Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Who Needs Cyberbullying,

When Bullying Will Do 

Templeton Planning Board Hearing 9/13/16


  1. did I miss it? I just watched it and did not see Kirk ream anybody out. I skipped over the lawyer and other suits BS but didnt think I missed any speakers. got a time frame?

  2. It's after the presentations. Its not "reamed out" but it was rude. He told a citizen basically that if you want to ask questions you need to go to every meeting.
    Kirk was being his normal abrasive self which is out of line , but seemed far from abusive.

  3. It's after the presentations. Its not "reamed out" but it was rude. He told a citizen basically that if you want to ask questions you need to go to every meeting.
    Kirk was being his normal abrasive self which is out of line , but seemed far from abusive.

  4. So we were all warned once when the meeting was opened. One outburst would get you thrown out. With no one doing anything we were all warned for our first warning.
    The part where Matt Valier was speaking was the the part you need to concentrate.
    The way The chair addresses him is the issue. If it were you or if anyone addressed Mr. Moschetti that way be sure it would thought to be unacceptable.
