Monday, October 17, 2016

Audits? Audits?

Audits? Audits?
According to the most recent (10/13/16) Town Administrator report:

"CLA" is Clifton Allen and Larson the audit firm with very high standards and is now out of the picture. 

So plan seems to be to go out to bid for yet another audit firm. 

How much money and time has been spent on various audit firms to try to get the audit completed for FY 13? 

Would you believe close to $300,000 over the past three fiscal years?  

If according to the TA report "we are on target", what is the target?

How long will it take to complete the bid process to hire yet another audit firm?

Until the audits for FY 13, FY 14, FY 15 and  FY 16 are complete, it's anyone's guess how large the deficits will be.

Do you really want to GUESS at what Templeton's bond rating will be?

Do you really want to GUESS at what the interest rate will be for long term borrowing like the elementary school project?




  1. Maybe we should take bets on how low our bond rating will be. I am sick of people who should be honest with the taxpayers, telling them we are "on target", and that this project will be a walk in the park. It may be more like being trapped in our own version of hell. I am very worried about the older people who want to live in their homes as long as they can. I know the people on Social Security have not had a increase in at least three years, and that along with medication costs that keep going up, the future does not look good on a regular day, never mind buying into this incredibly bad plan, to boot. The real truth is I am afraid for the young families to. I have lived long enough to know what trouble these young people can find themselves in by voting for a plan that is so unstable. Oh yes, lets throw caution to the wind and listen to the Administrator who abandoned our Town after he dug the hole we are in deeper by handing out raises with out the funds available for them ? Does anyone really think he is going to tell Carter he figured wrong ?? I will bet on a sure thing, and I will tell you listening to our previous Administrator is not a sure thing. This is my opinion, Bev.

  2. Hey Bev,

    Today they said that SSA payments to increase .3% or on average about $3 a month per recipient. Tell me how they are going to pay a $3-$5 per/1000 in home value. Based on Templeton average home its going to be $600-1000 year or $50-80 a month.
