Monday, October 10, 2016

"Vote YES to Rescind" October 20th STM


  1. I have talked to at least 30 people in the past week and not 1 of them knew anything about the town meeting and the opportunity to rescind the TM vote.
    Word needs to get out, very few read this blog and even more don't even know it exists, You can bet the school side has been communicating and passing the word and probably even offering rides to the meeting.

    Mass Mailings, large signs throughout town, calling every resident (and hoping you don't get hung up on)

  2. free rides and what ever else it takes. as I have said before, people in this town, for the most part just don't care. they come from towns east of 495 to save taxes, and don't care. they have lived here for years and been lied to so many times, they don't care. the union $$$ that is for a school, any where, will spend it. they are the same people that lye about public schools loosing money if we pass charter schools so that children can get a better education. good luck !!! we, the people that care for a better education and a better place for a school, will loose , AGAIN !!!
