Sunday, October 9, 2016

"Vote YES to Rescind" October 20th STM


  1. Just a comment that I personally feel needs to be addressed.

    When we have these "town meetings", "Special Town meetings" we appear to be disenfranchising many local residence.

    I have been asked by 3 college students how they can participate in this vote. All are away at college during the week coming back on random weekends. 2 of these students dont have access to a car at school.
    More and more people work second shifts, third shifts that cannot make these meetings. Many elderly will not drive at night and many others cannot take an undetermined amount of time to sit through the entire process to vote on one issue.

    The Towns voters should not be required to attend in order to vote. This would also eliminate the gaming of the system. In all seriousness when we have 40 people showing up for a town meeting it would be extremely easy for (as an example) the NRSD to overwhelm the balance of the town.

    We need to open up access to voting for longer periods of time or some fashion that allows or encourages more people to participate.

    I know myself the multiple NO votes for the school a few years ago that ended up being turned into a yes disgusted me.

    1. Bob M.

      The only way to participate in a town meeting or a special town meeting is to attend the meeting. Templeton has an Open Town Meeting, meaning that any and all registered voters may attend. Some larger towns have town meeting members to represent a portion of their town. Only town meeting members may vote on issues.

      If this were a ballot election (ballot question) then people could vote early or by absentee ballot.

      The multiple STM are a tactic to get what certain groups want. Vote no, it will be brought back over and over again.

      Eternal vigilance

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Oh how nice, puffy has risen, from where who knows ? This will be a important vote ! There are bigger troubles in this Town than just siting this school on a stamp size parcel of land. How will the water that is going to be dumped behind the Barnes house going to effect the homes on Dudley Road ? I don't think there will be a study to see how much will be dumped, it will be walk away, and cross your fingers ! Let someone else worry about it later. Bad plan, no matter how you look at it !
