Monday, October 31, 2016

Congratulations to Winchendon and Ashburnham!

Congratulations to Winchendon and Ashburnham!

In recent news the town auditor of Winchendon, Roselli, Clark and Associates stated that Winchendon's " finances look to be in good order."
 Winchendon has $1.1 million in its stabilization fund and $1.8 million in undesignated funds. Winchendon still owes $2.9 million from the $3.23 million dollar loan from the State.

At a recent special town meeting in Ashburnham, the voters spent $556,000 in free cash. The transfers included:

$125,000 for roads
$100,000 for economic development
$100,000 for stabilization reserves
$50,000 for police OT and wages
$50,000 for sick leave
$50,000 for retirees
$40,000 for phones
$21,855 for Snow & Ice 

When will Templeton get its act together ?

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