Tuesday, October 25, 2016


" If a group of business men and farmers can take on the king of England, certainly the town's people can take on the selectmen."

 Templeton Watch

Sunday, October 23, 2016
As for the lawyer at Town meeting, he or his firm is hired by the Board of selectmen and he acts on things they request. You pay for it but that is how it goes. I believe if asked by the selectmen, Paul would have / could have, put forth proper and legal wording to allow for the motion to be discussed and voted on. The selectmen chose not to do that. I believe you will find a majority of the selectmen did not want further discussion on the school. Further investigation is required to find out what the actual authority of the selectmen is during a town meeting. Perhaps selectmen are not required and perhaps a group of citizens could go front and center and read each article to all who attend town meeting. That way, everyone who attends would hear the entire article read. Remember, the people who attend town meeting and sign in as registered voters are the legislative body, that body votes for or against all town by-laws and appropriations to operate the town. Perhaps a new by-law, properly researched, to force a reading of all articles, rather than "as written" could then happen. It is your government and it really does not need to be changed. It only becomes bad or misaligned when we allow it.
That is my opinion.
If a group of business men and farmers can take on the king of England, certainly the town's people can take on the selectmen.

posted by Jeff Bennett
Posted by Jeff Bennett at 8:12 AM


Anonymous10:03 AM
Mr Bennett -DHB has stated on her FB page that she does not block people from her FB page. I have heard that she has blocked you and other people from her FB page. Is this true? if so she lied on her FB page.


Diane Haley Brooks9:46 PM
Oh yes I do block people from my PERSONAL page. NOT my Selectwoman page. I also sign my name to everything and don't use anonymous. If you have any questions, please write to me.


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