Friday, October 28, 2016

"Prelude to a Challenge..."

October 20, 2016

"Weekly Report: We have had a request for the documents relative to our prequalification process for the school. This may be the prelude to a challenge which is the domain of the Attorney General's office. It can take 3 to 6 weeks or more for their review."

What could possibly be challenged about this wonderful project?

In other news:
 Yet another attempt to negotiate a PILOT payment from TMLWP. Good luck!

 Good News! The ladder truck will be repaired!

 Bad News! The FY 17 budget line item for "Town Vehicle/Machinery Maintenance did not include repairing fire dept. equipment. Will there be a shortfall in another account? Stay tuned!

 Police Station Variance has been posted. New hangar at Gardner Municipal Airport (located in Templeton)

Holiday Prep:
 COA needs turkeys and chickens for the upcoming Holiday season!

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