Saturday, October 22, 2016

Regionalization Realization

Regionalization Realization

Recent articles in the Gardner News discussed regionalization options. Some departments the Templeton selectmen have indicated interest in regionalizing are the Fire department, the dispatch center and the highway department. No mention has been made of a regional agreement with Phillipston for Council on  Aging services provided to Phillipston residents.

In today's Gardner News (October 22, 2016) there is an article about the future of Quabbin schools..."One plan would involve closure of Hubbardston Center School".

The article continues:"Deschamps and Collins Center professionals noted that two demographic studies have pointed to a 20 percent decrease in the school district's population over the next 10 years. The current districtwide enrollment of 2,400 students only uses 55 percent of the high school and middle school complex, and only between 30-60 percent of each of the elementary schools."

So why does the data for the Templeton Elementary  School building project indicate a student population increase in Templeton? 

Maybe it's time to start thinking of a regional agreement with Hubbardston to send our elementary students to the Hubbardston Center School?

It might be a better alternative for Hubbardston, then to face closing a new elementary school while they are still paying off the bond for that school. Hubbardston would  retain their community school. Templeton elementary students would attend  a newer facility. 

It could be a "win-win".



  1. From a FB discussion:

    Martin Hastings Jr
    Martin Hastings Jr Bus kids to orange. Schools here half empty. Big mistake building new school. Doubled taxes and people moved out.

    This might be a good story for a newspaper like the Worcester Telegram or MassLive:

    There are a number of towns in a similar position.

    They built a new school .

    Taxes go sky high.

    People leave.

    The schools are half empty.

    1. In my opinion the thing that made Templeton a great place to live was it's affordability. With Ch93 Acts of 2000 our water rates went way high and of course the water is still poisoned with fluoride. By letting our schools fall into disrepair an act that I feel was intentional by the most powerful politician in Templeton in the last 20 years (hint he heads the town Democratic committee) our schools costs are going through the roof. Templeton's appeal in the past was it's ability of its residents to volunteer for things that allowed for a lower tax rate.

    2. To the people who think a new school will bring new people to Town, I have news for you !! No family will come here as long as our finances are a mess. No company will come here because it is/will be to costly to do business. High water/sewer costs, high taxes, and no improvement in site. You could add the condition of the roads to this list. Little improvement has come in the 15 to 20 years, and we do not have the funds to do much to improve them.

  2. A regional "agreement" with Phillipston for Council on Aging services now provided to Phillipston residents would be nice to have.
    Do the residents of Templeton know the service is now provided for the town of phillipston.
    Does this give them voting rights for other things we pay for out of Templeton budget?

  3. ANYTHING has to be better than where we are going now !!!!
