Sunday, October 2, 2016

STM Warrant 10.20.16 Spread the word!


  1. So how about all those savings from the wood chip boiler?

    Mass Heating Oil prices.

    "So what is the payback period if the price of oil drops?" was asked at the informational meeting BEFORE the wood chip boiler was installed.

    Derision was heard." The price of oil won't go down!"

    Okay, hypothetically, what is the payback period if the price of oil drops from $3.69/gallon?

    "The price of oil will never go down!"...Ruthless....

  2. Mrs. Farrell,anyone,

    Was there ever any discussion regarding alternate forms of heating the Elementary school?

  3. The question of why not a chip boiler was asked and the answer was due to the limited site size it was not a option. But we will get brackets for solar panels put on the roof.
    With no plans for solar panels.
    Solar panels could be purchased for all town buildings with the 500,00.00 refund the TMLWP will get back from the over payment on the nuke plant power.
    Yes 1/2 of a million was over charged to the ratepayers over the years.
    The refund will be next year and if we don't insist on what the commissioners do with it i think they will but more for the plant to be better off on our backs!
    I say free electric for us all or give it to the towns budget/stabilization acct.
    You know to make up for the shorted Pilot payments.

  4. Do you know if geothermal was ever discussed.

    I does seem only just that the overpayment of by the ratepayers should be returned to the ratepayers, period.
