Saturday, October 15, 2016

"Town Finances in a Shambles!"

"Town Finances in a Shambles!"

In a recent letter to the editor, Gregg Edwards, longtime  Templeton Light and Water Commissioner and former member of the Templeton Board of Selectmen cites "Templeton's "perilous" financial situation".

Perilous Indeed!

So perilous in fact, that the Templeton Light and Water Commissioners had to ask the Board of Selectmen to approve USDA borrowing to fund the replacement of the Ladder Hill water tank...after this water tank had been demolished.

So how fiscally responsible is it to tear down a water tank before you have the money to rebuild it?

Templeton's Finances are in a shambles!

If your finances are in a shambles should you take out $47 million dollar loan?

How will accepting a "school grant" from MSBA of 23 million dollars "unshamble" Templeton's finances? This debt adds to the problem.

If you're in a hole, you might want to stop digging. 

What is the fiscally responsible thing to do? 

Continue the project without a bond rating? 

Continue digging the hole deeper taking on more debt, knowing there is a million dollar deficit for FY 13.

Continue digging the hole deeper taking on more debt, when the audits have been promised and promised and promised and have yet to materialize?

Continue digging the hole deeper taking on more debt, when you have no firm figures on the amount of money you need to borrow?
Continue digging the hole deeper taking on more debt, when the amount of interest on the bond is not known?  
What is the fiscally responsible thing to do?

 Attend the Special Town Meeting on October 20th!
What is the fiscally responsible thing to do?

VOTE YES to RESCIND on Question 8

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