Thursday, October 20, 2016

Why Vote to Rescind on Question 8?

Why Vote to Rescind on Question 8?

What is Question 8?

Should the town take on more debt when it is financially unstable?
Should the town take on more debt without a bond rating?
Should the town take on more debt without a balanced budget for FY 17?

Be inspired to participate!

Attend the Special Town Meeting on October 20, 2016

Vote YES to Rescind on Article 8


  1. This vote may be a factor in whether you will be able to stay in your home or not. This is very serious. This vote could mean financial disaster for many families and older folk. We have to draw a line in the sand and get our finances straightened out. If we need help from the State, so be it. If we have not got cleaning our financial house do yet, I do not think we can do it alone.

  2. welcome to Leningrad on the Otter River !!!!!!!!!
