Monday, December 19, 2016

Suck it Up, Buttercup!

"Neutral" Evaluator?

In the rush to consolidate departments to try to achieve some sort of savings to close the budget deficit in the FY 17 budget, the merger of highway and cemetery departments is being considered.

The merger of these two departments is being done hastily, which will probably cause a lot of problems.

Both the cemetery superintendent and the highway superintendent will interview to remain employed by the Town of Templeton. The interim town administrator, Carter Terenzini, has proposed a "neutral" evaluator to interview both candidates. 

The plan is to put the "neutral" evaluator up in a hotel and pay for meals while these interviews are conducted. There is no money in the budget to pay for this.

Maybe a better plan is that the Board of Selectmen actually do the job to which they were elected. 

A better plan might be to  see if one of these long time employees is considering retiring and could train the other long time employee. Both of these individuals have extensive knowledge of the town. The transition period could take place and be beneficial to the town and the employees.

As for "neutral", the evaluator chosen by the interim TA is also a  colleague of the TA. 

 So Templeton selectmen, time to "suck it up, buttercup!"




  1. I thought the reason the Selectmen had a Town Administrator was so that that position could take the blame for unpopular decisions. Now the Town Administrator has to hire someone to take the blame for unpopular decisions. Will this hired decision maker in turn hire someone to take the blame for their unpopular decisions? What a circle jerk.

  2. Well Diane, now would be a great time to stand up and DEMAND that the BOS do the job and not allow Carter to give his friend a free paycheck on the backs of US templeton residents. When can one say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH

    1. The one and only problem this town has is IT IS SPRNDING MORE MONEY THAN IT HAS !!! We as a town, are only allowed to raise and appropriate x amt. of $$. No one can change that. We have to live with in our means. Carter and the Selectmen have no problem spending money we do not have. Hire a guy that will do a job the Selectmen should do. Add more to the debt we have with no way to pay for it !! How we go !!!

    2. Oh yah, ask for a debt exclusion if you dare !! Oh I forgot, it's only pennies !! Tell that to the tax payers.
