Friday, December 2, 2016


Chapter 115 Under Massachusetts General Laws M.G.L. ch. 115, the Commonwealth provides a needs-based means tested program of financial and medical assistance for indigent veterans and their dependents. Qualifying veterans and their dependents receive necessary financial assistance for food, shelter, clothing, fuel, and medical care in accordance with a formula which takes into account the number of dependents and income from all sources. Eligible dependents of deceased veterans are provided with the same benefits as if the veteran were still living. How to apply For applications, contact the local Veterans’ Service Officer (VSO) in the city or town where the veteran lives. 
To find a VSO: 
• Call the local City or Town Hall and ask for Veterans’ Services; 
• Call the Massachusetts Department of Veterans’ Services: 617-210-5480, and ask for the VSO name and contact information; 
• Visit the DVS website at to search by municipality;

 History of veterans’ benefits in Massachusetts In the 18th century, towns in the Massachusetts Bay Colony provided assistance to needy veterans of the French and Indian War (1754-1763) between France and Great Britain, fought in North America. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts began providing for its veterans immediately following the Revolutionary War. At the start of the Civil War in 1861, the state legislature formalized the assistance provided to veterans by establishing M.G.L. Chapter 115 and the Department of Veterans’ Services. Offices of Director of Veterans’ Services, Burial Agent, and Graves Officer opened in every city and town in the Commonwealth. State and local government leaders wanted to recognize service in the armed forces by providing certain essential benefits to men and women (both living and deceased) who had borne the burden of military duty— and to their families. Chapter 115 enables every eligible Massachusetts veteran to receive certain financial, medical, educational, employment, and other benefits earned by military service. Veterans, their dependents, and surviving spouses have been singled out to receive counsel and assistance dispensed through the 351 municipal Veterans’ Services offices.

Today M.G.L. Chapter 115 requires every city and town to maintain a Department of Veterans’ Services through which the municipality makes available to its residents the part-time or full-time services of either an exclusive or district Veterans’ Service Officer (VSO). It is the job of the VSO to provide the veterans (living and deceased) and their dependents access to every federal, state, and local benefit and service to which they are entitled—including assisting in their funerals and honoring them on Memorial Day and Veterans’ Day.


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  3. When I was about ten my father was very, very sick. He was in the navy in WW11. and got a medical discharge. He had half a lung removed and could not work. He went to see Mr. Hayes, who was the Veterans Agent for help. He was told no ! I have no idea why . A little more than a year later he needed surgery again, this time on the other lung. I was so afraid he would not live. I do not know how we got our taxes paid, but we did. Dad went to work sick more times than I care to think about. Finally Charlie Grout became our Veterans Agent. He helped dad get into the Veteran's Hospital in Vt. What a difference ! No one schould have to beg to get the help they need, especially after they served their country,

  4. No one has a right to question what Veterans get for benefits because unless you have walked in their shoes you will never get it. I know dad would wake up as soon as I stepped in his room. I learned not to stand to close, in case he got up swinging. Bev.
