Sunday, February 5, 2017

Liars Club Meeting Monday 6:31 pm

Liars Club Meeting 
6:31 pm

Meeting of Templeton, MA Board of Selectmen 
Monday February 6, 2017 
6:31 PM EST
Town Hall
160 Patriots Rd., East Templeton, MA 01438 Conference Room

Special Business Meeting 

1.Call the Meeting to Order 

2.Pledge of Allegiance

3.Discussion w/Town Administrator Candidate

4.Discussion w/Sewer Commissioners Re: General Discussion of Budget Process, Cost Allocation, Audit Status and Various Financial Matters 

5.Action Re: Items Tabled from Regular Business Session of 01/23/17
a. Sewer Loan Resolution
b. Hiring of Part-Time Sewer Clerk
c. Sewer Request to Waive Building Permit Fee 

6.Action Re: Appointment of Director of Office of Public Works 

7.Discussion of Proposal Status Re: Public Safety Commissioner and/or Fire Chief 

8.Discussion of Inspector General Training and Reasons Thereof (Per DH Brooks) 

9.Potential Request for Executive Session1 


The listing of Agenda items is those reasonably anticipated by the Chair which may be discussed at the meeting. Not all items listed may in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent it is permitted by law. 


1 (MGL Ch 30A §21 (a) (2) “Strategy sessions... or contract negotiations with nonunion personnel.”)


  1. How can anyone trust anything this board of selectmen do, when they have a proven LIAR as an interim town administrator?

    Lying to the secretary of the commonwealth over a rather unimportant issue like a public records request.

    What else are they hiding and lying about?
