Monday, February 20, 2017

Meetings the Week of February 20, 2017

Meetings the Week of February 20, 2017

Tuesday  2/21/17
Veterans                        Legion                                6:30 pm
Wednesday  2/22/17
Ecomonic                    PCS Town Hall*                9:00 am     
Liars Club                   PCS Town Hall*                6:30 pm

Thursday 2/23/17
Cable                          PCS Town Hall*                6:00 pm        

* Pauly Cosentino Sr. Town Hall

1 comment:

  1. Maybe tomorrow's meeting of the Liars'Club will come up with some answers for the elementary school committee, but then again probably not!

    Ecomonic committee is meeting at 9 am - public participation is welcome! See you all there bright an early. There will be discussion on a warrant article for the May town meeting. How much should the town give away in order to attract businesses? Should yet another Commission be created to oversee economic development? Aren't there enough turf wars in town already - with the school dept competing with the town for scarce taxpayers dollars and the TMLWP gone rogue -able to charge the highest rates for water in the Commonwealth light increases not far behind. Remember nuclear power is "green" energy ! I personally can't wait to start glowing from the radiation from Fukushima! Does Seabrook report tritium leaks? Just because VT Yankee is decommissioned doesn't mean the tritium leaks there have stopped.

    To your health! Financially and physically!
