Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Oroville Dam Disaster Is Latest In Series Of CA Government Corruption, Environmental Failures

Oroville Dam Disaster Is Latest In Series Of CA Government Corruption, Environmental Failures



  1. Whom ever is responsible for this disaster, has better leave the State before the people that have been uprooted by this failure to plan ahead, and get this situation under control, get a hold of him or her ! Who ever expected, all of the people in this pretty good size area, were going to be able to leave all at one time, down the same road, with no problems ??? Oh yes, they will all take turns !! You and I know how that will work out !

  2. As with many events mother nature can change things we couldn't expect when we plan for the future. I'll bet many people who use this water area for recreation never thought this could or would ever happen.
    This amount of water could not be controlled if unleashed.
    From the looks of it the leash is beginning to Frey.
    Like people who build next to the ocean have it good when the weathers is nice they to now have to deal with the dark side of paradise.
    At least they have a good warning and can get out alive.
