Wednesday, March 1, 2017

More from a Advisory member without any calculations

 Previously on that other blog.
I believe the above shows what part of the problem is, it is still about me rather than the whole. What can I get? No one can blame anyone for trying to get all they can but when you work for a corporation, where everyone is a shareholder, should that dictate tate that everyone should give a little so the WHOLE town (corporation) stays afloat? One acknowledges that the corporation is tight on money but still want everything "because we work for the town." I do not want to pay for my boots, I want someone else to pay for them. That seems to me to be that old "not in my back yard" thing that often comes up when the subject of bringing in business to town. Do it, just do not put anything near my home. Free boots may not seem like much, but consider the cost times the number of employees and what the total cost is or can be. Then consider that another department, inspection services, is asking for a transfer of between $2500.00 and $7500.00 dollars (depending on which document you look at) and consider if it was not for the contractual obligation that Mr. Smart asked for, was not on the table, would there be a need for this transfer? When you are tight on money, the extras put a burden on everyone! So, one gets some extras while another suffers. So much for looking out for the whole town. Maybe it is the fault of the Templeton municipal light & water department?
Templeton needs to stop looking for handouts from every direction, because this dependence has shown that when the "fix" is removed, someone is left holding the bag. 
previously on that other blog.
posted by Jeff Bennett
So our highway team is 7 members and get 250. per year for boots that calculates to 1750.00 us dollars.
It's  hardly a  break the town and a standard for most who work in the field of highways. A added point is the steel toe boots help reduce injury  and compensation claims. Big cost to the town now is workers compensation claims insurance. Safety glasses are also provided if needed and also reduce the cost to the town . The highway contract collective bargaining agreement has in full on the town web site a copy to review and is a public document. If we are stuck with the Advisory board member trying to balance the towns miss calculations on the workers clothes,boots,and glasses i think as a town we're doomed with that mentality .  I can tell you if we have a problem with government it's "our" fault to elect them and not participate in what they do for the town. We have seen in the past what happens when we turn our backs and let things go without questions. 
Recent and past posts by Jeff Bennett make me question his ability to help this town get a better handle on the towns issues and not just rip and rant at a department he has a clear grudge against.
As anyone can tell even like Caplis says a 5th grader can add and see the amounts don't equal out and balance.
The Templeton highway has reduced staff,passed over many years for raises and been furloughed for many weeks to balance the towns miscalculated budgets and incomes. For any member of the Advisory committee to put the cost of any other department on our backs as any cause of their failure is a obtuse thought. Just a  part of an effort to belittle in any way he can a vital department that can be relied on when the need arises. Unlike some other committees and boards in Templeton leave us more and more tangled.
Then consider that another department, inspection services, is asking for a transfer of between $2500.00 and $7500.00 dollars (depending on which document you look at) and consider if it was not for the contractual obligation that Mr. Smart asked for, was not on the table, would there be a need for this transfer? 
Last time the calculator was at 1750.00 for boots and a stretch from the 7500. we knew we would need if the year was a normal one for permits. Jeff should be happy to need extra money for the inspections it shows growth and a higher tax base. So give the ok, transfer the funds and move to something that can make a difference in Templeton's future.Without putting them to sleep.
How about make some room on the advisory Committee and "quit" so we can attract some who would know the real issues and not get stuck on a rip of a department who your grudge will never end for.



  1. Hey, I got one for you guys. Direct from the Gardner News.

    Officials hope to buy special filing cabinets
    TEMPLETON — The Community Preservation Committee in Templeton has voted in support of purchasing specially designed file cabinets to preserve numerous original historic town deed abstracts and probate records that are the only copies in existence.

    How much are we spending on "special file cabinets" to preserve paper. Make copies, scan copies, place originals in box. Everything is historical for someone, but should we be spending money to save the past or better our future?

  2. I think after all the work our Deputy assessor has done on these records we can at least spend the money to preserve them for the people to use if need be.
    Scan is a great idea and when the funds for the people to do it become available it will be done. There is a great amount of time involved to scan and still the original documents will be saved when possible. These special cabinets will be more than just normal file cabinets. And if the state wants to pay half that's a win also.
