Sunday, March 12, 2017

To refresh your memory of recent public record requests in Templeton....

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Lying Liars Club

Lying Liars Club
Well it only took 4 appeals and orders from the Division of Public Records to finally receive appropriately redacted legal invoices from the time period of August 2016 through October 2016.
Here is the link to the partially redacted LEGAL INVOICES
So I made the request on October 25, 2016, and this response is dated February 21, 2017. Open? Honest? Transparent? - You decide! 
Anyone remember Article 8 at the October 20, 2016 Special Town Meeting? Here's a refresher:
Does anyone else RECALL being told that citizen petition articles are NOT reviewed by Town Counsel? Absolutely NOT! THAT never happens! Right?
You be the judge:
"10/20/16 PDR Work on memos to Selectmen regarding Article 8 STM".
Somebody seems to be lying! 
Interestingly the entry for 10/24/16 :
"PRD  Attention to questions from town administrator: WHETHER LEGAL BILLS ARE PUBLIC RECORDS, ..." 


Isn't it Ironic?

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