Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Management Letter FY 13, FY 14, FY 15, FY 16

It's a lot to take in. Get comfortable and read it a few times.


  1. My biggest concern going forward is WHO in our Administration has the ability/knowledge to create the systems and procedures desperately needed. I understand from Mr. Roselli that Umass or the Collins institute offer instruction. It appears desperately needed.
    Right now we've proven the ability to violate by-laws, financial regs, accounting practices,bid practices. Hell we cannot even fill seats as openings are denoted all over the place.

    There is nobody watching the Hen house and it's been really fortunate the towns not screwed!

    1. One of the biggest problems I have seen is that people run for office without the simple ides of what the job is going to be, with out a background to even begin to make decisions that will affect the town for years. We have had some real winners over the past twenty years. Every one runs for one reason or the other. Sometimes the reasons are good, but not always. This new guy running for office ? Where has he been ? Never seen him on a board of committee of any kind, have you ? As time has gone on, I have less and less faith in people and that is sad. We had a TA in Markel who created problems when he handed out raises there was no money for, lied to the people at Town Meeting telling them what good shape we were in. Who are they going to believe now ?? Only two people have created the problems that make up the worst of the report about the Town finances, but it cast a shadow over Town Hall in general, and that is not fair to the people who work hard every day, and do things right. The Town Hall work was done by people who volunteered and used donated paint and elbow grease. One person, in the Selectmen's office chose not to put the rest of the work out to bid, casting a shadow on everyone ? Sorry, I will not let the people who did their best, to get us into a real Town Hall after 250, years take the blame for what one person has done. Julie took a beating from the Gardner News, who published the nastiest Letter to the Editor I have ever seen. It does seem their need to fact check has gone, otherwise they would not printed so many lies. So much for an improvement in their reporting. Mr. B. Columbus created many of the problems we have been dealing with to this very day, including why we have so little in Stabilization and no free cash. I hope our Selectmen have gotten the message about not over spending the budgets they present this year. It will not be the Advisory Committee on their ass, it will be the state. My opinion, Bev.

  2. Hey Bev. Maybe you know the answer to this seeing you've put in some time.

    How is John Columbus a BOS member and a Regional school committee member? Am I missing some slight of hand? How does that fly against Article III section 1 in our town bylaws. Is someone really saying that Regional PUBLIC schools are not government?

    I'm just curious if we ever followed our own rules?

  3. Hey Bob M.

    John Columbus was not a member of the school committee while serving as selectman.

    1. JC has managed to spend time sleeping through both jobs.

    2. Thanks Julie, but why is he listed on the Mass association of school committees sight under what is said to be present members.

      The current members of the MASC Regional Schools Committee are listed below; thank you to all of these school committee members for volunteering to serve!
      B. Ellen Holmes, Ashburnham-Westminster Reg. School Committee, Chair
      Dina Sullivan, Triton Reg. School Committee
      Kosma Evangelidis, Essex Agricultural Technical School Committee
      Susan Lorenz, Dighton-Rehoboth Reg. School Committee
      Timothy Rapoza, Dighton-Rehoboth Reg. School Committee
      William Flannery, Southeastern Reg. Voc-Tech School Committee
      Lynn Ryan, Assabet Valley Reg. Voc-Tech School Committee
      David Katseff, Dighton-Rehoboth Reg. School Committee
      Joyce Phillips, Gill-Montague Reg. School Committee
      Stratos Dukakis, M.A.S.C. Life Member
      Patrick Francomano, King Philip Reg. School Committee
      Clifford Fountain, Quaboag Reg. School Committee
      Julianne Kelley, Wachusett Reg. School Committee
      Mindy Kempner, Southeastern Reg. Voc-Tech School Committee
      Ronald Levine, M.A.S.C. Life Member
      Joan Petersen, M.A.S.C. Life Member
      Robyn Kincaid, Silver Lake Reg. School Committee (Former Member)
      William Chaplin, Blackstone-Millville Reg. School Committee
      Jane Oakes, Gill-Montague Reg. School Committee
      John Columbus, Narragansett Reg. School Committee
      Christopher Ghilarducci, Berkley School Committee
      Carolyn Greene, Mt. Greylock Reg. School Committee
      Denise Perrault, Greater Lawrence Reg. Voc-Tech School Committee
      Kristin Boyle, Gill-Montague Reg. School Committee (Former Member)
      Mary Crook, Upper Cape Cod Reg. Voc-Tech School Committee
      Elaine Rabbitt, Dudley-Charlton Reg. School Committee

      Thats from this site:

    3. Looks to me like they never took him off the list.
