Thursday, April 20, 2017

The Audits are Coming! The Audits are Coming!

The Audits are Coming! The Audits are Coming! 

April 25, 2017 

6:30 pm

NRSD Auditorium


  1. OH this should be interesting. Will we be in deficit or will we be rolling in the dough?

    1. Hard to know, but from what I have heard, it will not be a pretty picture. I do hope people remember that these are the years that schould have investigated, if the investigation the town voted for had actually been done ! So what happened ? Well it went like this, Rep. Brewer told myself, and others, "no one cared about what happened then." Well how many hundreds of thousands has it cost us sense then ? Who cares now ? Do you ? Now why would Brewer have said that ? Where did he get that idea ? Who could have given him that idea ? Maybe people should ask his right hand boy ? John Columbus !! My opinion, naturally.

  2. With the DOR being present at the Audit meeting i think the plan to get us back on a road to recovery will be read to us after and when the shock sets in.
    No better time than when in trauma to get the news you don't want to hear.
    Brace for the worst this town has seen and if it's better then we think were not going to go into cardiac arrest for to long.
    This town has shit on the DOR and if anyone thinks they give a shit about our town there's a bridge i would like to sell to you.
    You need to pay me in BIT COIN currency if you don't mind.
    All jokes aside we are in trouble and the town will need to change and the days of a low tax rate and spending free cash and stabilization money have brought us to this point in Templeton's history.

  3. In my opinion it doesn't seem to matter how much money the town has it ends up going to the schools. Raise the tax rate, leave your estate to the town when you die, it all seems to go to schooling.

    1. I think it is less about our tax rate, and more about the lack of decent leadership spending good money on poor projects. 252 cost us more than I care to think about. Remember we sunk 10,000. into evaluating the gulf course, a good sum of money that could have gone somewhere else. How much money has been spent on lawyers ? How many times did echo hill sue the town ? What did it cost us for all of the moves the town has had to pay for, because we had no real "Town Hall"? Out of the fire station in Baldwinville (that is where the selectmen met in the 70's) to the Otter River School, back to Baldwinville, on to Patriots Road, and finally to East Templeton. Those are a few things I can think of real quick. You could easily add the loss the town suffered when K&P let the rite of attachment laps on the paper mill deal, along with what the town paid when it got stuck paying for the waste water treatment plant, alone instead of being a partner. So if you wonder why we have so little to show for the money we spend, these are a few reasons why. Bev.

  4. After this debacle the town should create hard and fast procedures that must be followed or someone IS held accountable. The concept of paying employees, hiring management and still running on "It's usually done this way" has got to stop!
