Saturday, May 20, 2017

Massachusetts Gun Dealers

Massachusetts Gun Dealers: Please Attend Event for Small Business Owners

Governor Charlie Baker and Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito will be sponsoring a small business listening session, hosted by the Housing & Economic Development Secretary, Jay Ash, on Thursday, May 25, at 7:30am at Mount Wachusett Community College.  Gun dealers/small business owners will have an opportunity to meet with Secretary Ash and discuss the regulations that have hurt small businesses for the sake of ineffective policies attempting to increase public safety.
Last summer, Attorney General Healey issued an “enforcement notice,” which greatly expands the Commonwealth’s definition of “assault weapon.” AG Healey alleges that the state’s definition of “copy” or “duplicate” “assault weapons” has been misinterpreted for the last 18 years and she is simply the first law enforcement official to discover this incorrect interpretation.  Despite strong opposition from several legislators and Massachusetts residents, AG Healey’s unilateral and abrupt decision continues to hurt many gun dealers and small business owners by restricting the sale of the most popular semi-automatic rifle, the AR-15.
If you are a gun dealer or small business owner, please consider attending this event to spread awareness about the effect of AG Healey’s gun ban.  Please pass the event details along to other gun dealers and encourage them to attend as well!  To register, please click here.

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