Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Baker’s review of Weymouth compressor station applauded

Baker’s review of Weymouth compressor station applauded

Gov. Charlie Baker broke his long silence on the controversial natural-gas compressor station Monday, ordering state agencies to review the Fore River project’s potential impact. Spectra Energy wants to build a 7,700-horsepower compressor on the river bank.

WEYMOUTH – Mayor Robert Hedlund and other elected officials are applauding Gov. Charlie Baker’s decision to order several state agencies to review a controversial proposal to build a natural-gas compressor station on the banks of the Fore River in North Weymouth.

“It’s the most significant development we’ve had thus far through this process,” Hedlund said Monday afternoon, hours after Baker announced his action “It exceeded what most people would have expected. These actions are about as stringent as he can take at this point.”

Baker ended his long silence with a letter to Hedlund, saying the state “need not and will not remain silent” on questions that opponents have raised about air pollution and public safety.

“We recognize the serious concerns that have been raised by many, including constituents in your town and neighboring communities,” Baker said in the letter.

Five months ago, in February, Baker said federal agencies would determine the project’s fate, while the state would play a minor role.

Even so, Hedlund said “the final decision still lies with FERC,” the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.

Sen. Patrick O’Connor, R-Weymouth, said Baker’s action is “very encouraging,” though he added, “There is still more to be done before our work here is over.”

Spectra Energy of Houston unveiled the compressor station project in early 2015. The proposed 7,700-horsepower station would be part of an expansion of the company’s gas lines from New Jersey to Canada.

Since then, opposition has spread from Weymouth to include Quincy Mayor Thomas Koch, Braintree Mayor Joseph Sullivan, Quincy councilors, U.S. Rep Stephen Lynch, D-South Boston, and Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Edward Markey.

Baker has been under pressure from all those opponents to speak out. Hedlund said he’s talked to the governor “in detail” about the town’s concerns twice in the past two months.

Now Baker has ordered the state environmental protection and public health departments to make a joint assessment of how the station would affect air quality and community health, compared to those conditions today.

He said the state won’t issue any more permits until the assessment is finished.

Baker’s decision prevents the state environmental agency from issuing an air-quality permit to Spectra and also stalls the review process for wetlands and coastal zone management permits. Spectra did get a state waterways permit in May, more than two years after the company unveiled the project.
The federal energy commission gave the station conditional approval earlier this year. The Fore River Residents Against the Compressor Station is appealing that decision.

Hedlund said he’s not sure how long the state’s air quality and health assessment will take. He said a similar assessment in 1989 “probably played a role” in the defeating of an attempt by the environmental firm Clean Harbors to build a hazardous-waste incinerator in East Braintree.

Along with the state assessment, Baker said he’ll direct public safety and environmental agencies to help residents “bring their concerns directly” to the federal Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, which oversees such projects.

But in his letter to Hedlund, Baker again affirmed his support for expanding Massachusetts’ natural gas capacity, saying the state is “at an energy crossroads” and so must diversify its energy portfolio.

“While we continue to believe that this multi-pronged strategy is vital to controlling the costs of energy, providing reliability and protecting the Commonwealth’s environment, we also understand the importance of weighing all of the potential impacts on local communities,” Baker wrote.


1 comment:

  1. So much for going down to the river to have piece and quiet. To watch the wildlife, listen to the birds sing, to watch the frogs and what ever lives in this part of the river. Lets hope the people who enjoy their piece of paradise speak up.
