Sunday, August 6, 2017

AC “spokesperson” Jeff Bennett Templeton to go to a 50/50 split on health insurance.

Templeton Watch Copy cat blog
Brought to you by former Selectman
“LiL”      Jefie Beenits
JB resigned when the town was in need of good leadership.
Per guidance from the Massachusetts Attorney General's office, all material on his blog is directed to members of the general public and is not intended to be read by my Committee members, nor do I intend for any readers to convey such material to other planets in the solar system. Maybe Mars when i send the rule to governance I make public.
Saturday, August 5, 2017
all material on this blog is directed to members of the general public and is not intended to be read by my fellow Committee members, nor do I intend for any readers to convey such material directly or indirectly to my fellow Committee membersFinancial wizardry or cooking the books?

Board of Selectmen tell the voters, by way of Town Meeting, that we need $100,000.00 for fuel to serve town vehicles. Then use $47,000.00 of that money to pay other bills, charge fuel to snow & Ice deficit, thus creating a larger deficit that needs to be paid off somehow. The selectmen then use $12,500.00 from town vehicle fuel to help pay the snow & ice deficit debt (included in the $47,000.00 figure). So, get $100,000.00 for fuel, then use it to pay other bills, while they charge fuel and the genius part, take from the fuel account to help pay off the snow & Ice deficit, which includes fuel!  Now that is some awesome financial management. No wonder the selectmen do not like questions and criticism.

It just may be time for the town of Templeton to go to a 50/50 split on health insurance. The Town covers half the cost of health insurance for Town employees and Town employees pay the other half out of pocket. (the paycheck) Whatever happens, the charade of moving money around (robbing from peter to pay paul as the saying goes) needs to.
Opinions expressed are those of Jeff Bennett and do not represent any other member of the Advisory Committee 
posted by Jeff Bennett  aka AC “spokesperson”

So if you know Jefie or voted for him in the past tell him how happy the school employees would be to get their health premiums doubled overnight.
If he needs a refresher on town procedures he could have asked around and the general public could refresh his lack of memory.
So Jefie needs someone to pick on again and as we see this post hit at those who filed multiple complaints with the AG over the lack of postings of meetings the rogue AC spokesperson has had on various blogs. Will the town ever get it’s government to work with each other or will this be the norm. A decision by the AG office is soon to be dumped on the chairman of the AC and
I can’t imagine how Wil Spring can stomach the bad rap the others on the AC committee get over the few who can’t help themselves but go Rogue and get personal
over and over again and again like a broken record skipping . zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Yes that’s what we get from a former selectman who resigned when the town needed some good leadership. Templeton’s left now with another new leadership chairman. Good job little jefie great leadership? Thankfully we had Ken Robinson to step in and fix the messes left over’s.
So now we get him as an appointed Advisory committee member doing his best to be a problem for the government, all the town employees and the state agencies too. Vindictive behavior for the past has no place in Templeton and should be a wakeup call for the future in Templeton.
If there’s ever a time the town needs a resignation it’s now before any further harm to the town and the government comes from his obtuse behavior.

With the decision he will receive Wil needs to get some quality people to replace those removed and I hope the people in town will want to help Templeton regain respect lost due to this AC members misguided  selfish rants and ideas aimed at punishing the employees who don’t see eye to eye like only the resigned jb does. As you read above the cuts to benefits he suggest for all Templeton employees is a lack of common sense and show how one AC member can disrupt the governance of a small town if left unchecked.
So I urge you to contact the A.G. office again to express your concern on the complaints and have your voice heard. Templeton deserves a “better” working government.

The number is 6179632540
You’re input is needed for a full picture!!

Posted by David Smart


  1. I can just imagine that people will line up by the hundred to work on any of the committees that need volunteers, after the stunt this BOS had pulled on some of the Advisory Board members. Just to make it clear to you Dave, the Advisory Committee does not make policy, now or ever. I do agree that Templeton does need a "better" working government. What the town does really need is a good leader. One that understands the rules, understands the budget process, and can work to get the town out of the financial hole we have been in for 19 years. As to your comment about misguided, selfish rants, I do think you should go look in the mirror. You are barking up the wrong tree. Bev.

  2. I thank you for your opinion Bev. I like many would agree your opinion has been heard far more than needed. Your history lessons time and again are like ear plugs when you try to get any point across. Just a friendly suggestion drop the history and "focus" on the future needs of Templeton please. Please don't refer to me as a dog as "you are barking up the wrong tree". Sticking up for jeff the mole won't help the town any time soon.
    Reading his gibberish should give you a clue about the past we had with him at TMLWP.
