Monday, August 14, 2017

New Traffic Pattern!

Please take note of the New Traffic Pattern for South Rd

Templeton Police Department

**Effective Tuesday August 15, 2017 at 3:00 P.M.**

The traffic pattern will change for South Road, and Wellington Road.
Wellington Road will become one way southbound, from Dudley Road, to the intersection of Wellington and South Road.
South Road will become one way northbound from the intersection of Wellington and South Road, to Dudley Road.
The roads have been properly marked to reflect the change.

Please spread the word!


  1. One Way
    Wellington and South road will now be One Way.
    Tomorrow you will see the change Templeton has been
    Waiting for years to have put in place.
    What fun it will be for the motorists who have a hard time with changes. So stay alert ,off your phones and play nice it’s here to stay.
    Don’t like it “tough” go around or move to another traffic nightmare nearby.
    This should be a easy transition to accomplish without a new school or the new amount of traffic it will bring.

    1. As the town puts the cart before the horse again !! Permit for the "new school" is not anywhere near being complete. No bond rating !!! Remember being told about that ?? Next to zip for money in stabilization, no savings !! Oh yes, the town is in great shape !! Do you really think the state will let anyone dump a large amt. of water over the wall, only to walk away, with fingers crossed, hoping that no problems have been created. I would never do that to anyone and I do not think the town should either ! No matter how you cut it, this is not a plan that should be acceptable to anyone.

  2. Bev you seem so negative about the new school plan even after all your efforts to squash it have failed. Go with the flow and the water flow is not what i mean. Either way the water will end up down hill anyway.
    The BOS let you and the others off this time but be careful there could be others who will take up where the BOS left off.
    Change your tune and try harder to get along with the rest of the towns boards and committees,"PLEASE".
    As the BOS try to work together take the past out to the washer and forget about it,move forward and leave the history out too.
    Comments here could be stopped also like The fake Blog!
    2.3 million borrowed for sewer project at 1.1440 % from Eastern bank for a BAN to start that project funding.
    Watch the traffic patterns as some may not be as alert as others.
