Friday, August 4, 2017

This will be in effect until the AG's office answers JB’s little questions

This will be in effect until the AG's office answers JB’s  little questions

all material on this blog is directed to members of the general public and is not intended to be read by my fellow Committee members, nor do I intend for any readers to convey such material directly or indirectly to my fellow Committee membersAttorney General does the job in Templeton!
Little dumb quit shit bag “ex” chief and spokesperson for the Un advisory has come to an end.
With any luck so will the ring leader’s term he serves on that AC committee end also.
If you had the poor experience of reading the gibberish on that other blog I can say I’m sorry for your insufficient information  experience there. Not what you thought it would be I’m sure.
So as stated below by the fool Coward name calling moron JB it has been a back and forth till the AG gave him the “Advise” he needed to hear. There will be much more trouble in his future as things are just a little different than he tell us. As usual he has a distorted thought process.

Below are the OPINIONS and rants of the Former Selectman Jefferiy Bennitt!!!
He started his blog after a lack of discreet posting of poor judgment and lack of knowledge.
So as you see below has resorted to the only thing he can post. Slander.
Jeffie and few others have very little else to offer and lack a name for what they write
So as a result the copycat Blog has “The comments part of his blog  turned off for now”
Without controlling the Anonymous posters and added slander and profanities the AG
“could “have advised him of lack of controls in place or added to by the administrator jb.
As this Blog found in the past we are only part of the discussion and control is needed for attacks by those who wish to harm this medium. Cowards under the cover of anonymous have a one sided thought to discredit and harm information as they hide under others right to speech.

He has had the comments part of his blog  turned off for now. Little dumb shit (DS) will now have to go elsewhere to rant. This will be in effect until the AG's office answers my several questions. The information will continue here, including criticism of the selectmen! Since I can only warn and cannot dictate to anyone what they may read, I cannot stop nor will I know if any other Advisory Committee member reads what I post.
For the record, no resignation from the Advisory Committee by the four named individuals as asked for the  Board of Selectmen. One would think they (the selectmen) would consider resigning since they have failed in over three years to hire a full time experienced and qualified Town Administrator. We know from the audit presentation, those same selectmen failed to hire/appoint a full time, experienced and qualified Treasurer/Collector. (even as one such individual was already employed by the Town, who is covering those duties now.

So we in Templeton can expect MOTS more of the same from the Advisory Spokesperson JB and a further divided town government. As the AC go to person has pointed out a error was found and now fixed in the accounting department. What a way to pat your back jb as if the audit wouldn’t have caught it . When the new members of the AC take over they will be able to see the problems. Oh I meant see the problems walk away. JB is in meltdown mode now!!!
Posted by David Smart           partial    copy source     Jeff Bennett 8:31 AM


  1. quote of the day - "I'm melting, I'm melting" from the wicked witch of the west
    posted by Jeff Bennett
    Posted by Jeff Bennett at 10:16 AM
    No comments: will be allowed till he get the several little answers from the Attorney General he requested.

    In my opinion there's only one answer he needs to receive from them and that is

    "YOUR OUTAHHH HERE"!!!!!!!!
    That has a nice ring to it,sort of like being a "YANKEE" in a Ball game
