Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Eternal Vigilance

Eternal Vigilance

Would you be upset if  Level 3 sex offenders moved into the house next door? And you were never informed. And you operate a licensed Day care facility?

Why would that upset you?

According to the Gardner News,"Selectmen said that such operations, when licensed by the state, do not have to notify the town. The only requirement is that Level 3 sex offenders individually notify the police Department of their status within three business days after moving in, and residents must either visit the Police Department for these notifications or obtain them online."

What do you do a resident, when you uncover issues "where "protocol was not followed"? Bring the issue to the Templeton  Board of Selectmen! 

According to the Gardner News, "Caplis applauded Balchuinas for her efforts for the community, and said the board was listening, and that "If we can do action, we will do action.""

"He said that these group home residents would be entitled to the same rights as others living in the town, and based on the information the board received, the corporation was "trying to do everything by the law."

Let's examine this issue- Level 3 sex offenders have the same rights as everyone else in town.

So what happens, if God forbid, there is a natural disaster like hurricane or ice storm and Templeton needs to open a shelter. Who gets to go to the shelter?

Also, licensed daycare providers need to meet rigorous state standards to provide care to the most vulnerable members of our community. 

Shouldn't group homes for Level 3 sex offenders have rigorous state standards as well? To protect both the host community and the Level 3 sex offenders ? 

There are apps for electronic devices to locate registered sex offenders in your area.

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