Monday, October 9, 2017

From the Interim Town Administrator Report

Free Cash

Important Notices
If you are one of the Department’s where your employees got a wage adjustment as of 10/02/17; Please be sure to have completed your conversations with them ASAP.
Positions Now Open: DPW - Highway: Laborer/Truck Driver
BoS Workshop 10/16 to review Draft Warrant. Please plan to attend if you have an article. As of the requested date of 10/02 for staff articles, we had about 12.
As of today, we do not have any citizen petitioned warrant articles. 

Business Meeting or Workshop: The following is intended to supplement agenda items where a full memorandum may not have been required or updates are needed. 

4.i.(1) This is the latest Draft after addressing concerns coming out of your 10/02, a final review with UMass, and a final re-read. We believe it is ready for adoption as is. That said, do please understand that we will need to - in the near future - add a section to accommodate some of our more day to day procedures (i.e. as the Electronic & Bad Check Policy, petty cash, and the
like). Please also understand that while we continue to make great progress some of this is aspirational given our current state. That is to say that - rather than putting target dates in numerous places - we simply need to have you - in your adoption vote - get this onto the public record. 

Weekly Report: With no changes coming from the participants, I was able to finalize the memo on our meeting with DOR for you. I’ve been working with team leaders Carol Harris and Mike Branley (TA of Swansea, NH) on final preparations for the assessment center for our Management Fellow this coming Tuesday.
 Work with Alan to finalize a preferred DPW fleet and capital planning continued as did work with UMass Collins to finalize the Financial Policies Draft coming out of your 10/02 workshop. We received the contract boilerplate for the Police Contract and hope to have it out to bid by next week. 

Our "free cash" has been certified for the General Fund at $1,042,588 and the Sewer Fund at $743,735. With this in hand I can now finalize the several warrant articles we need for clean-up and FY ’18.  

With the construction of the school getting ever close I worked with ODS on how to pay our Inspectors for this extraordinary project which is not covered by the base annual compensation. We have lost one of our Seasonal Laborers (In Training to become a Laborer/Truck Driver). We will re-advertise but are very concerned over our recruitment efforts given our very low starting wages (less than $15/hr for a CDL). The Daymill remanded hearing will be held on November 1, 2017.

 Free Cash                         $1,042,588
Shortfall prior years                 -   $211,000
FY 17 shortfall                                ???????

How much will be placed into Stabilization at the STM on November 14th?  5% of the operating budget?  5 % of what?

People in Templeton, YOU get to decide! IF you attend the special town meeting.

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