Tuesday, October 17, 2017


Meeting of Templeton, MA Water Commission
Tuesday October 17, 2017 6 PM EDT

Light & Water Office
86 Bridge St., Baldwinville, Ma
Board Conference Room
Call to order
Pledge of Allegiance

(agenda subject to change)

Old Business:
New Water Meters for FY2018
Q1 FY2018 Water Sales & Revenues
Sawyer St WTP Filtration Media

New Business:
Templeton Elementary School Plans
Water Shut Off at #14 Prospect St
Water Shut Off at #81 Highland Ave 

Meeting of Templeton, MA Light Commission
Tuesday October 17, 2017 7 PM EDT

Light & Water Office
86 Bridge St., Baldwinville, Ma
Board Conference Room

Call to Order 
Approve Agenda for 10-17-2017 
Approve Minutes for 9-13-2017 
(agenda subject to change) 

Old Business: AMI System Update 
2017 MMWEC Surplus Funds/Vote 
TMLP Outside Accounting Firm 
TMLP New Truck #27/Vote 
MA House & Senate RPS Bills 
New Business: Town Health Insurance for FY2019 
Mini-Watt & Winchendon Hydroelectric Units
Q3 2017 Electric Rate Comparisons 
August 2017 Power Supply 
September 2017 Wind Generation 
September 2017 KWH Sales & Revenues 
October 2017 Retail Electric Rates 

 Other Business:

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