Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Restructuring Regional School Finance

Supporting Student and Community Success: Updating the Structure and Finance of Massachusetts Regional School Districts 

Click HERE for Full Report 

From the Interim Town Administrator:

Subject: FW: PRESS RELEASE: Gobi and Ferguson Announce Regional Schools Report

Good Day:

I wanted to pass along not only this Press Release but – more importantly – this link to the underlying report itself.

I have not had a chance to read it in its entirety as of yet but – in simplest terms – it calls attention to the need to fully fund Transportation (for instance this year the state budget only reimburses NRSD about 75% of regular-ed transportation costs leaving us and Phillipston to pick up 25%+/-); the need to allow for more creative bidding opportunities for transport to lower costs (perhaps letting regional transit entities to bid) and points out how the RSD’s are – in general – uncontrollable by local officials (excepting the Town Meeting and trying to argue the budget down before it even makes it there) and the need for periodic updates of regional agreements (as you supported last fall with respect to Monty Tech).  It highlights not only the challenges the RSD’s face but the conflicts the current system crtes between the RSDs and their member comunites.

I urge you to review this document in detail and determine if you wish to add your voice of support for many of the positive changes recommended therein.

Many Thanks

Carter Terenzini

Your assignment: Review document above. Look for any indication that the "NUCLEAR OPTION" has been removed. You must remember - 603 CMR 41.05  ???  Remember turning 4 NO votes into a YES ?

1 comment:

  1. I do believe that the 4 no votes that became a yes, is one of the real reasons people do not attend Town Meeting any longer. Just my opinion, Bev.
