Monday, October 2, 2017

Town Administrator News

Town Administrator News

Important Notices 

Fall Town Meeting 11/14. As noted here, notwithstanding any deadline of the public during the “Open” warrant period, your warrant articles need to be to me by the morning of 10/2. Special BoS Workshop 10/16 to review Draft Warrant. 

Business Meeting or Workshop: The following is intended to supplement agenda items where a full memorandum may not have been required or updates are needed.

Weekly Report: I carried out the second round of interviews for our Management Fellow candidates and made the arrangements for the assessment center to be carried out for the three finalists. We should remain on schedule for final decisions on the management path forward for your 10/10 meeting. 

Notices about the pay raises was distributed to the affected non-union employees. 

Working with Alan we will have a submission to the CIC for the Fall TM capital articles we need. 

We have begun to assemble our BAN offering for the School Project. 

I've begun a review of our health insurance offerings to try to manage the pricing for FY '19. We'll advise the IAC over the next few weeks. 

Administration & Finance

Town Accountant:
Nothing to report this week. Treasurer/Collector: Nothing to report this week. 

Assessor: Chapter Land owners have been reminded that their yearly paperwork needs to be in by October 1st. Continue to take in and review Exemption applications. Steady flow of residents with MV Abatement requests. Attended a department head meeting Tuesday. Still waiting to hear from DLS on paperwork submitted as part of the tax rate recap process. Corresponding with homeowner on Title V questions. 

Town Clerk: Nothing to report this week. 

Public Works
Highway Department: The DOT began their work on RT 68 beginning in Baldwinville through Otter River. Some of the millings they are taking up are being redistributed @ the Gilman Waite Field parking lot and @ the sewer department. Some pot hole patching was done along Stone Bridge Road, Royalston Road. Ragged Hill, Pail Factory Rd, Brooksvillage, N. Main St, South Rd
and Turner Lane. Winter sand was brought from the pit to the barn. The mechanic is installing one of the new sanders in a truck. The director attended the Select board meeting where approval was made on 4 Chapter 90 requests. He also attended the Dept Head meeting and Emergency Response training in Phillipston. 

Buildings & Grounds: As the Highway division put the milling down in the Gilman Waite parking area, the Buildings and grounds crew was there assisting in spreading the material. Detailing was done in various common areas, as well as mowing and trash pickup. Continued Goose patrol, as the warm weather has prolonged their visit and provided for some good grazing. Gathered the picnic tables from the Senior Center and moved them back to Gilman Waite. Clean up in the TC common area for the Engine show. Cleared branches and did trimming in Pine Grove cemetery in preparation for the fall. As requested by the recreation department, we moved an old stove and microwave to the landfill. Gathered scrap metal from senior center and scout hall and brought to the Highway dept. scrap pile. Replaced burnt out light bulbs @ the town hall building 

Sewer Department: Nothing to report this week.  

Public Safety
Templeton Police Department: Nothing to report this week. 

Templeton Fire/EMS: From Sunday 9/17 to Sunday 9/24 the Fire Department has responded on 23 emergency calls. 2 fire alarm activations, 3 motor vehicle accidents, and 18 EMS calls. We helped the police department conduct ALICE drills at BES, and we have conducted 5 smoke detector inspections for home sales. 

Emergency Management: Nothing to report this week.  

Development Services
Building Department: The Building Department issued two permits, one for the remodel of a kitchen and one for a roof. The Commissioner met with a homeowner with concerns over lack of information with regard to how electricity is brought to new construction; all new construction (including replacements for burn downs and demos must be underground service. A notice will be added to all building permits for future applicants. Two plumbing permits and one electrical permit were issued. 

Planning Board: Planning meeting held on 9/26/17; Lafayette Road continued to January

ZBA: Nothing to report at this time. 

Conservation Commission: The Conservation Chair completed two site walks, one on the proposed Valentine Road and on 442 Otter River Road; no findings on either. 

Board of Health: The property known as 729 Baldwinville Rd is completely torn down, no other word on if the owners are going to rebuild. Completed a Certificate of Compliance for 712 Baldwinville Rd; all corrections were made per the original order issued. Agent walked the properties at Templeton Fish & Game Club with Eric Adamson to randomly set off the alarms on the septic (tight) tanks passing; report completed for submission to MassDEP. Inspection completed with SK Management at a unit of Heatherwood Apartments for a condition of dampness. Health Agent attended the quarterly safety meeting for NRSD at the Phillipston Fire Department. Monica Kleber and Charlene Berthiaume, ACO’s for Templeton/Winchendon, have been nominated and approved to also be the Animal Inspector’s for Templeton; paperwork has been received from the Department of Agriculture for their confirmation and have been sworn in by Templeton’s Town Clerk. 

Community Services
Council on Aging/Senior Center: We are having a blood drive Sat, Oct 7, 2017 if anyone is interested in donating please call to make an appointment, go online, or drop by from 8am to 1pm. We are also having Trick or Treating here at the Senior Center on Sat, Oct 28 from 1pm to 3pm. The kids will be able to go to all the office doorways which will be specially decorated to receive their treats. This way Grandparents or Great Grandparents can enjoy the festivities in the daylight and the parents can have the night time duty. This activity to Templeton residents with children under 12 and we hope that people of all ages will take the opportunity to visit the Senior Center. With open enrollment starting on Oct 15, we will have more activity in the building until Dec 7, when open enrollment ends. 

Library Director: I have completed the final two reports which are required to apply for State Aid to Public Libraries, and have sent both electronically and by mail. I have completed two Cultural Council grant applications. The October book order has been placed. Training of our new Library Assistant continues. Story Hour continues to draw large groups of children on both Wednesdays and Thursdays. 

Community TV: This week TCTV recorded and broadcast the Board of Selectmen’s meeting on Sept. 25 and the School Committee meeting of Sept. 28, in addition to continuing production on other shows and festivals. 

Important Dates to Remember
Town Administrator’s Office Days for next week: Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday Selectmen Workshop on Monday, October 2, 2017, at 6:30 p.m. Department Head Meeting on Tuesday, October 10, 2017, at 9:30 a.m. Selectmen Meeting, Tuesday, October 10, 2017 @ 6:30 p.m.
Selectmen Workshop, Monday, October 16, 2017, at 6:30 p.m.
Fall Town Meeting, Tuesday, November 14, 2017 at 7:00 p.m.

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