Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Special Town Meeting TONIGHT !!

Special Town Meeting  


7 pm

Sixteen articles. 

$1,042,588 in Certified FREE CASH to spend!

Article 15 - Amending  the general  By-laws re: Date of Town Meeting & Election:

 Zoning Changes - Articles 12 + 13   Cui Bono?  

Definition of cui bono. 1 :a principle that probable responsibility for an act or event lies with one having something to gain. 


  1. An interesting thing happened on the way to the Town Meeting..............lol.

    OK, so taking my time getting moving I decided to do some review of the Warrant articles in preparation to attend the town meeting tonight.

    I found what I consider to be a very curious happening. Article 13 presented by the Planning Board.

    Planning board members are:

    Kirk Moschetti---Chairman
    Charles Carrol - Vice Chairman
    Tim Rotti
    John Buckley
    Christof Chartier
    Frank Moschetti
    Dennis Rich

    Parcels listed in zoning change, owners:

    Kirk Moschetti----------- Parcel 20.5
    Frank Moschetti---------- Parcel 20
    John Buckley------------- Parcels 23, 23.10, 23.20
    Charles Carrol----------- Parcel 36

    Four members of the 7 member planning Board are the listed owners of property they voted to have re-zoned. How did they achieve a quorom? How does this comply with Ethics standards?

    Mr Fortes assured the voters during a board meeting that everything was on the up and up and had been checked into. "nothing hinky going on" was I believe the exact quote.

    I call 4 members of a 7 member board apparently voting to benefit themselves, HINKY!

  2. That is politics in templeton HINKY !!
