Thursday, November 9, 2017

Special Town Meeting Tuesday November 14, 2017

            Special Town Meeting            
November 14, 2017

 Click HERE for the full warrant.

There are 16 articles on the warrant:
 Remember - the summaries for the articles are NOT the Motions. The wording of the MOTIONS is what you will vote and be enacted.

They can promise you anything in a summary, but if the motion is different, you can wind up with very different financing a school project without a bond rating or a 2 year loan for a police station that morphs into a much longer debt obligation for the town.

1 comment:

  1. If you learn anything from reading this blog it is the difference between the motion and the summaries, like the above blog explains. How many years have I gone to town meetings and finally figured out the summaries can be a ploy to get you to vote for something that deep in your heart, you really question. Can you trust your leaders ? Off hand I would like to say yes, but from experience I say no. Everyone has their adjenda and that does not mean they are watching out for you the taxpayer. It seems the adjenda was to make it financially thru the past fiscal year, but now we have to deal with things that I believe will hurt this town like it has never been hurt before. Who will be left to pick up the pieces ? If you own a house and are on a fixed income will you still live in your home ? I am so afraid of this deal the DOR is watching us get sucked into, I can't believe they would do this. Why are we the town that has next to zip in stabilization ? It is because we have been reaction to crisis after crisis year after year. Where is the plan ?? There is no plan, never had one, is the answer to that question. You need to attend the "Fall Town Meeting". You need to attend them all ! This is the time you stop depending on someone else to make decisions for you. Your future depends on it. This is my personal opinion as a taxpayer and home owner.
