Monday, December 4, 2017

Meetings the Week of December 4, 2017

Meetings the Week of December 4, 2017

Monday   12/4/17
Sewer**                       Reservoir St                     4:30 pm

BOS                              PCS Town Hall*            6:30 pm

Tuesday  12/5/17

COA                            Bridge St                          1:30 pm
Wednesday 12/6/17

Adv. Com.                   PCS Town Hall*               6:00 pm
Thursday 12/7/17
 Cable                       PCS Town Hall*              6:00 pm
**Sewer :


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I had to give this post a second thought. Since when is the TA the boss of the Sewer Commissioners ? If there is a "large decrease in the Sewer Enterprise Account balance, someone had better check with the company that audited their books for an explanation. No one has the ability to touch their money without their approval. This reminds me of a comment that was made to me by the Cemetery Commissioners. It seems at some point they were told Perpetual Care funds were used to buy something, and there was no input from them as to if it could be done. They were told it was going to be done period. That was in the Echo Hill days. A call to the Inspector General should be on the adjenda. My opinion, Bev.

  2. Agenda item 2 is slightly discriminatory isn't it? If woman cannot work alone can we not hire them for jobs that require time alone. The job is the job. Female or male should have nothing to do with it.
