Friday, December 29, 2017

Safe and Effective!

Once upon a time...

Spraying children with DDT insecticide was "Safe and Effective."

Once upon a time...

Once upon a time...

Water Fluoridation was considered "Safe and Effective"  ...

 But now?



  1. Fluoride is a poison. Fluoride was poison yesterday. Fluoride is poison today. Fluoride will be poison tomorrow. Fluoride has many forms. Fluoride found naturally is called fluoride, it is poison. The fluoride that was supposed to be used for water fluoridation is called sodium fluoride and it is a by-product of the aluminum manufacturing process and is also a poison. The fluoride used for poisoning the water over 90% of the time are known as silica fluorides. In my opinion water fluoridation has always been a big lie. Because America Inc. charter requires that it make a profit for its shareholders it was just a good business decision to poison the sheep. Take the time to learn about this corporation that we call our government and then tell your children. AmericaInc.

  2. Fluoride found naturally is called calcium fluoride.
