Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Tree Hearing

Tree Hearing December 6, 2017 9 AM

... 41 Ash Trees ... 2 Maple... 3 Cherry...1 Elm tree


  1. If 50 trees were going to be removed from my neighborhood, I would attend the tree hearing!

    1. I know one of the trees in front of the school is dead, so that is fine. But 41 ash trees. That better be a mistake.

    2. Fine turnout this morning. Two of Templeton's citizens attended, three if you count my dog, Sedona. I went along with Mary Grimes. Most of the trees are between the school and the police station. The rest are over by the playground. It was an interesting meeting with questions asked and answered. It is a shame that more people do not care enough to attend things like this.

  2. Bev. Glad you were able to make the meeting. I'm sure most people felt it was a forgone conclusion that the trees were coming down regardless of their concerns.
    Did anyone happen to mention what was going to happen with the cut trees?
