Friday, December 8, 2017

Why We Fight Fluoride !

Why We Fight Fluoride ! 

Why We Do It

FAN Director, Bill Osmunson, DDS, MPH. 
Short version: “Brains are more important than teeth…and I'm a dentist.”

Longer version:  "Fluoridation is the worst of both of my professions.

For about 25 years as a dentist I promoted water fluoridation.  When I read the research for myself, the evidence was like a knee in the gut.  Not only is the research low quality, but numerous vital scientific questions have not been answered.   Fluoridation is based on assumptions, not science.  My Public Health profession is a pack of sheep, faith-based rather than science-based.  Faith, trust and unquestioned loyalty are drilled into us in school.   The Public Health profession are like soldiers without a leader and refusing to question policy. 

Fluoride pushers assume we all drink about the same amount of water.  They assume we don't get much fluoride from other sources.  They assume no one is chemically sensitive and everyone's kidneys are working just fine.  They assume any combination of chemicals will not increase fluoride's risk.  They assume we all would give our consent, if we would just trust them.  They assume fluoride goes in the mouth with a direct pipeline to the teeth bypassing all other tissues.   They don't even know how much fluoride in the tooth is advantageous. 

Excess fluoride exposure causes over a trillion dollars a year damage to our health.  I do not know of any public health action which would provide greater health improvement and save more money than simply turning off the fluoride pumps.   Ethics, science and economics say "turn the fluoride pumps off." 

As a team, we can stop fluoridation, we must, and we will."   
FAN’s Campaign Director, Stuart Cooper:

"I joined the Fluoride Action Network initially because I felt strongly that the practice of artificial water fluoridation set a
dangerous public health precedent that threatened personal freedom and choice by using the public water supply to distribute a drug, without consent or concern for vulnerable subpopulations.  As I learned more about the practice, I noticed how many of my friends and acquaintances had dental fluorosis, and I felt they deserved the truth, as well as some sort of vindication and justice.  Then, not long after I started working for FAN I became a father, and the desire to protect the two most important people in my life and their generation of peers from this seemingly ever-present neurotoxin and its harmful side-effects became abundantly important.  It's our water, our health, our children, and ought to be our choice."


1 comment:

  1. Fluoride is a poison. Fluoride was poison yesterday. Fluoride is poison today. Fluoride will be poison tomorrow. If you think the Board of Health is the only organization pushing water fluoridation you must think again. Employees and family at the Light and Water Department must think carefully about signing petitions against water fluoridation or there will be consequences. Employees and family working for the School Department may shy away from signing any type of petition concerning water fluoridation because MGL Chapter 111 Section 8C says that our School System will promote water fluoridation and anyone who thinks different may want to find another job. Town employees and their family had better think twice before coming out against water fluoridation, one only has to look at how the Selectmen view water fluoridation for their cue. Ask yourself: which on of our current Selectmen are against putting poison in your water? Has any of the current Selectmen made a stand against water fluoridation? Now you see why it is so difficult to get these Citizen Petitions passed at town meeting. Even our Moderator is aware of how his bosses are voting on water fluoridation as all he has to do is look to his left. If we are to get the poison out of our water supply all the sheep will need to gather at annual town meeting but before they do they will need to sign the petitions to make it so. SomebodyPoisonedTheWateringHole
