Friday, December 15, 2017

Your Tax Dollars at Work

"I just found out a student a the Narragansett Regional High School received a zero on her history test. The question was "How is trump and Hitler alike?" - she responded that he isn't."

1 comment:

  1. Is this the Narragansett Regional High School in Templeton? Have the facts been presently accurately? On the assumption (yes I could be making an ass of u and me) they are accurate we must go to the base of the argument: What are the similarities between our President and the Chancellor of Nazi Germany? Regardless of one's politics this is a good question. My suggestion for anyone trying to answer such a question would be: who provides the money for this persons rise to power? Cui bono from each of these individuals? We saw what happened to President Kennedy when he got out of line. Here is my best guess. WallStRiseHitler Now are the public schools going to let you in on this information? Mark Twain:"Don't let your schooling get in the way of you education."
