Wednesday, January 17, 2018

'Devil incarnate': James Woods shreds Bill Clinton and 'sh--hole' foundation


'Devil incarnate': James Woods shreds Bill Clinton and 'sh--hole' foundation

Accuses 'crooked family' of 'destroying' Caribbean nation after devastating earthquake

Actor and producer James Woods is mercilessly scorching former President Bill Clinton as “Haiti’s devil incarnate,” accusing Clinton and his “crooked family” of destroying the poor island nation after it was devastated by a horrific earthquake in 2010.

“This is how #BillClinton and his horrid criminal cohorts destroyed #Haiti,” Woods tweeted Sunday, sharing a video about the issue. “The ONLY ‘s—hole’ part of Haiti was Bill Clinton’s involvement, he and his crooked family. Bill Clinton was Haiti’s devil incarnate.”

James-Woods-Clinton-TW A man in the video explains:
It’s more than true. The money is more than $6 billion. You see, after the earthquake, countries around the world donate billions of dollars. The amount was much larger than $6 billion, and Bill Clinton was in charge of the money. And not only people around the world but also American celebrities donated a lot of money to rebuild Haiti. And hundreds of homes were destroyed after the earthquake. If you can believe, people are still living under tents. That’s unacceptable.

Not only they held the money, they kept the money. But Haiti has enough resources for them to be very comfortable. Haiti has oil, more oil than Venezuela. Nobody is talking about it. Haiti has gold. We have one of the largest gold mines in the Caribbean. Nobody is saying anything about our gold. Who do you think is in charge of our gold right now? The contract?

Tony Rodham, Hillary Clinton’s brother. He’s got a 26-year contract.

Also, Haiti used to produce our own rice. We didn’t have to buy rice overseas. Bill Clinton destroyed our rice so his brother can sell rice from Arkansas.

They’ve done a lot of things. Right now, if there’s a millionaire or a billionaire who wants to do business in Haiti, they cannot do anything unless they check with the Clintons. The Clintons are the ones running Haiti.
Woods followed up that tweet with a photo of Bill Clinton standing below the Clinton Foundation logo, which had been Photoshopped to read “Sh–hole Foundation.”

Woods-CF-TW2 Woods’ comments come only days after WND reported that the Twittersphere had rebuked Chelsea Clinton for lecturing President Trump after the president reportedly asked senators why the U.S. keeps bringing in migrants from “sh–hole” countries like Haiti, El Salvador and African nations.
Chelsea tweeted to Trump Thursday: “Mr. President, immigrants from El Salvador, Haiti and 54 countries in Africa likely helped build your buildings. They’ve certainly helped build our country. cc @POTUS.”

But Chelsea apparently forgot that her parents are accused of helping to leave hundreds of earthquake-ravaged Haitians homeless.
The Clintons’ corruption is exposed in “Partners in Crime: The Clintons’ Scheme to Monetize the White House for Personal Profit,” available at the WND Superstore!
Twitter users quickly pointed out that the Clintons’ organization, the Clinton Foundation, reportedly scammed Haiti out of recovery donations after its horrific 2010 earthquake and, in that same year, was said to have paid for Chelsea’s $3 million luxurious wedding to Marc Mevinsky on July 31, 2010.
Chelsea Clinton weds Jewish investment banker Marc Mezvinky in a $3 million wedding in July 2010
Chelsea Clinton weds Jewish investment banker Marc Mezvinky in a $3 million wedding in July 2010

Some Twitter responses included:
  • “Haiti also helped pay for your wedding.” – Cherie
  • “@ChelseaClinton please stop!! #Haiti got robbed by the @ClintonFdn and @Hillary Clinton.” – Carlos Maldonado
  • “All of a sudden, the Clintons care about Haiti?” – B.T. Samuel
  • “You’re one to talk about being kind to Haiti. Ask your parents how much money they made through the corrupt Clinton Foundation at the expense of the Haitian people.” – Tom Brennan
  • “So how much Clinton Foundation money that came from charitable donations went to pay for your wedding? Also if the Clinton Foundation was doing such good work, then why hasn’t any improvement been seen in Haiti?” – Deplorable Kathie
  • “You’re right, Chelsea. Besides, who would your family steal from if not impoverished nations? I guess there’s always the American people you can continue to rob.” – Loren F. 
  • “The Haitian people love the Clintons. That’s why they literally protested against the Clintons for looting their country.” – Paul Joseph Watson
  • “@HillaryClinton @BillClinton, if you are concerned about Haiti, give them the money you owe them! #CorruptToTheCore.” – Todd Mirkin
  •  “The earthquake in 2010 was the worst disaster to devastate Haiti until the Bushes & Clintons came in there to give ‘relief.’ That’s when it became a s–thole. I still wonder what happened to all those poor orphans. Chelsea, did u get ur wedding covered by the donations?” – Tracking-Wabbit
A WikiLeaks email dump in November 2016 revealed Chelsea likely used money from the Clinton Foundation to bankroll her big wedding, complete with two extravagant Vera Wang gowns and held at the lavish Astor Courts Estate in Rhinebeck, New York. The allegations were made by Doug Band, a former top aide to Bill Clinton and a former Clinton Global Initiative board member.
But after news of the accusations concerning the Clinton Foundation, Haiti aid and Chelsea’s wedding broke, Bill Clinton apparently had enough.

“No Clinton Foundation funds – dedicated to Haiti or otherwise – were used to pay for Chelsea’s wedding,” Clinton tweeted on Jan. 13, along with a link to a Washington Post story. “It’s not only untrue, it’s a personal insult to me, to Hillary, and to Chelsea and Marc.”
Bill-Clinton-Haiti-TW As WND reported, in one Jan. 1, 2012, message, Band told John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign chairman, that Chelsea was investigating CGI and the Clinton Foundation’s use of money. Chelsea apparently mentioned her investigation to one of former President George W. Bush’s daughters.
Band wrote: “I just received a call from a close friend of (William Jefferson Clinton) who said that [Chelsea Clinton] told one of the (George W. Bush) kids that she is conducting an internal investigation of money within the foundation from CGI to the foundation.
“The bush kid then told someone else who then told an operative within the republican party.
“I have heard more and more chatter of CVC and (Bari Lurie, chief of staff to Chelsea Clinton at the Clinton Foundation) talking about lots of what is going on internally to people. Not smart,” he wrote.
In his reply, Podesta called Band’s comments an “understatement.”
Band responded: ‘I learned from the best. The investigation into her getting paid for campaigning, using foundation resources for her wedding and life for a decade, taxes on money from her parents … I hope that you will speak to her and end this. Once we go down this road …”
Band-email-Clinton-wedding Band also complained about Chelsea being “a spoiled brat” and “going to Daddy” to get her way and the Clinton Foundation’s alleged use of its financial resources to fund the big wedding.

Emails concerning Chelsea’s wedding were famously deleted from Hillary Clinton’s private server.

As for Bill Clinton’s claim that Clinton Foundation funds were never used to fund Chelsea’s wedding?

Woods simply isn’t buying it.

The actor tweeted: “You were impeached for perjury. Zip it.”
Woods-Clinton-zip-it-TW image:

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