Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Hillary’s Goose Is Cooked

Hillary’s Goose Is Cooked

The devil in the detail of Trump’s Executive Order makes one thing clear: Clinton’s in deep.



 Thankfully, it cannot be denied that the swamp is draining. Americans tuned in have seen the departures of hundreds of prominent business leaders, executives, and government officials in recent months — including Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein and Google CEO Eric Schmidt — setting off swarms of earthquakes across every industry within the American power establishment.

Though shocking, those following Trump’s efforts to police Clinton’s criminality would not be surprised by these developments. A recent Saudi royalty sweep targeted billionaire Waleed bin Talal, a member of the royal Saudi family with deep ties to Clinton and Obama; Trump last year foreshadowed his arrest, which was carried out by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s recently-formed anti-corruption committee.

As Clinton’s scandals close around her, Americans wait with bated breath to watch the dominoes fall as Trump’s administration makes good on his promise to lock her up.

Of course, Clinton could turn herself in, if she had any grace; the Investigator General or special counsel will take care of her if Trump’s more urgent orders don’t. Thanks to the mighty efforts of Americans, their military, and a President who keeps promises, her life of crime will finally come to an end, and her legacy will be one of tragic and humiliating disrepute.

While there is much more work to be done, Americans successfully blocked the Clinton Restoration in 2016. With much to celebrate as they ring in the new year, they can finally rest assured the Clinton cancer corrupting their government for decades has been halted and reversed, and Clintonism will soon be finally fully relegated to the dustbin of history where it belongs.

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Zach Haller (Shirtless Pundit) is a writer, activist, and DIY journalist based in Seattle, Washington. Support Zach’s work on Paypal or Patreon and subscribe to The Zach Haller Affair on YouTube.

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