Sunday, February 25, 2018

AMI = Smart Meters...coming to a home near YOU!

AMI = Smart Meters

From the  December 13, 2017 Templeton Municipal Light Agenda:
AMI = Smart Meters

 Some risks of Smart Meters:

Advanced Metering Infrastructure Cyber Security Risks


The deployment of advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) systems is introducing millions of components to the electric grid that support two-way communication for next-generation grid applications. Although these systems can increase operational efficiencies and enable new capabilities such as demand-response, they also increase the attack surface for potential adversaries. Utilities must address these new cyber security risks as part of their overall enterprise risk management strategy. These strategies may include other components such as program management risk, investment risk, budgetary risk, legal liability risk, safety risk, inventory risk, or supply chain risk.

This report is intended to assist personnel responsible for cyber security in AMI deployments. The methodology presented provides a walkthrough for a process that can be used to leverage an existing body of work to assess cyber security in an AMI system. This methodology can assist in identifying vulnerabilities, threats, impacts to the AMI system, and guidance for mitigating the overall level of risk.


Rest assured that the cracker jack TMLWP Commissioners have done a thorough legal liability risk assessment before they would vote to implement Smart Meters in Templeton.

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