Sunday, March 11, 2018

Before you hire an OPM...

Before you hire an OPM...

There is an item on the BOS agenda 3/12/18 to hire an OPM for the Police Station project. $125,600 :
 The bids for the Police Station came in over budget. This project will need more money (as in capital debt exclusion) to be completed. Why not do the ballot vote BEFORE hiring an OPM?

History Repeats Itself

The documents below focus primarily on Purchase of 252 Baldwinville Rd. After the construction bids came in over the estimate an OPM was hired. The override for more money to complete the project was voted down. An OPM was hired BEFORE the override vote.

252 Baldwinville Road

These documents relate to the Municipal building Project at 252 Baldwinville Road.  Please click on the “blue links” and the documents will open up in a new window.

General Ledger accounts  for total cost of 252 Baldwinville Rd $761,042 including interest

K & P checklist for purchasing a municipal building

Municipal Lien certificate assessed value $366,650

Appraisal – not done

Building Inspection – not done

Settlement Statement – what did the town purchase for $399,925? Why is it higher than                                   assessed value?

E-mail as an Invoice – Who allows the release of $399,925 on the basis of an e-mail?

This e-mail thread  - electronic correspondence regarding USDA loan and 252 Baldwinville Rd.

USDA loan applicationWhen did the BOS vote to apply for a USDA loan?

The Obligation of funds  - also signed by GPS. On whose authority?

Columbus letter to USDA – all communication through BC w/o a vote by the BOS

Municipal sub-bids – total cost of project now over 3 million + invoice for desks

Phase II  21E – Why was this 21E done AFTER the purchase and by the Town?

Election results for override for 252 Baldwinville Rd (Feb 6, 2012) 934 NO

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