Friday, March 2, 2018

Fluoride is Poison!

Like some people in Templeton, we use a pellet stove for heat in the winter. I keep an old, glass coffeepot on the stove with water to create some humidity. A few days ago, I forgot to refill the water in the coffeepot. See the results below:

 This is not the first time this has happened! The crap on the bottom of the coffeepot does NOT come off. I have no idea what this substance is.

Fortunately, we use filtered water for drinking and cooking . If you use town water,I would recommend you do the same.

Julie Farrell

1 comment:

  1. Fluoride is a poison. Fluoride was poison yesterday. Fluoride is poison today. Fluoride will be poison tomorrow. Great video above on water fluoridation, don't miss it. It's all about the money$$$$$. The corporation that was created by the Constitution to run this country puts profits before people so it should come as no surprise the sheep are expendable, we are the sheep by the way. Let us all get to annual town meeting to vote to allow the legislative branch of town government to be the deciding factor on whether we wish to poison ourselves via water fluoridation or not. When in doubt get it out. Here is more on that corporation: Corporation
