Thursday, March 8, 2018

How to Opt Out of AMI/Smart Meters

How to Opt Out of AMI/Smart Meters

Below you will find a sample letter that you can copy and paste into a word document. Then you will be able to file an "Opt Out" letter with Templeton Municipal Light and Water:

Date _____________________  
From :  ___________________________                                               Emergency  Notice  of Non Consent
Address ____________________________                                    
Re: Halt Smart Meter Insulation

 To:  John M. Driscoll  , General Manager  and
Templeton Municipal Light and Water Plant and
Light Commissioners (agents)
86 Bridge Street , P.O. Box 20
Baldwinville , MA, 01436 -0020
To: Mr. JOHN  M. Driscoll , General Manager 

Recently, I/we, (name(s)) became aware on Feb 23 2018  that , Templeton Municipal Light and Water  Plant /Trust  or corporation plans on installing AMI Smart Meters on the homes and businesses of your customers. Please note: I was not a party to that decision. I found out you held a meeting regarding this issue on Dec 13 2017.  

I/we ______________________ was/were not aware of this decision. If you ignore my notice you adopt all damages and liability contingent to such installation of such “Smart Meters “.

Below is my lawful notice regarding the installation of (any) AMI Smart Meter type or AMI system RF wave transmitter type or update affixed on my home or within the property  .

This letter represents a lawful Denial of Consent to attach such AMI Smart Meter. This lawful Notice of Instruction  “NOT“ to exchange / or update to AMI Smart Meter  This includes (ALL) AMI systems including electric and water meters .  

I do hereby request that my ” Denial of Consent “, be filed in your records and honor that AMI Smart Meter installers be so informed NOT to install any smart meter under this system at (enter address).

 This letter an “opt out “ note . The current meter may remain. This is a Meter in good working condition . (Check your meter BEFORE including this sentence).

I, (your name ) owner of (Enter address) DO NOT CONSENT to having any type /AMI  Smart Meter or an analog (Rf) wireless  wave type transmitter placed on my home or property  . This letter is to opt out of the AMI system update .


Then either mail the letter to TMLWP:

86 Bridge Street , P.O. Box 20
Baldwinville , MA, 01436 -0020

or   email to:

John Driscoll, General Manager
978-939-5323, x11 

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