Monday, March 5, 2018

Smart Meters and Opting Out

Smart Meters and Opting Out

On Tuesday, March 6 2018, the Templeton Municipal Light and Water Commissioners will discuss an "Opt Out" policy regarding the installation of Smart Meters in Templeton homes and businesses.


What do YOU know about "Smart" Meters?

Here are 13 questions to ask yourself -

and National Grid ...

 1  What is a "smart" meter and why does it matter?

      A:  Not to be confused with parking meters, Smart Utility Meters report our ongoing energy usage back to National Grid on a 24/7 basis.  This encourages conservation by charging higher rates for peak-time usage.  In the Worcester Pilot, 15,000 "smart" meters send readings over 900 Mhz channels to one of ~180 pole-mounted WiMAX relays. [1]  These repeaters microwave the combined neighborhood data to one of 14 collector towers. [1a]  This two-way network enables the utility to remotely control non-essential appliances during peak usage events ... they can even shut off your power.  Implementation of this wireless network also affects our


2   Am I legally required to accept a “smart” meter on my home?

     A:  No.  But Mass. DPU has approved an extortive tariff of $11 per month on each National Grid customer wanting to “opt out.” of having AMI or AMR meters. [2]

3   Can I expect higher energy bills with a “smart” meter?

     A:  Yes.  Bills have consistently risen after meters have been installed in other States. [3]  That's on top of NG's 11/15 increase due to government  

mandates to shut down coal-fired power plants and rely on natural gas, solar or wind.  Prices will further escalate once Time-of-Use or Time-Varying pricing begins for everyone.

4   Are “smart” meters causing fires?

     A:  Yes.  Throughout the world many, many fires have been attributed directly to

     “smart” meters. [4]  Video: 


5   Will “smart” meters reduce energy use and help the environment?

     A:  No.  NSTAR wrote that DPU's decision to mandate AMI (smart meters) would not be cost-effective. [5]  National Grid reported no reduction of average use [5a] NSTAR (now Eversource) said the same about its 2012-2013 pilot. [5b]

     While special meters handle and collect power generation data from solar & wind installations it is not essential they be "smart meters" to facilitate integration of solar & wind generation with the grid.  Their radiation is harmful to plants, 

animals and humans.


6   Are there known health effects related to “smart” meters?

     A:  Yes.  Possibly thousands have become ill following installation.  Meters emit near-microwave radiation at levels higher than those that cause biological effects.[6]

     More and more people, including Worcester residents, are reporting exposure- -related injuries, including Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Syndrome (EHS).

7   How much radiation do “smart” meters emit?

     A:  Wireless “smart” meters emit pulsed radiation 10,000 to 190,000 times per day.

    [7]  This means that you are getting zapped 24/7 at levels known to 

cause adverse biological effects - even if you "Opt-Out" but your neighbors have "Smart Meters".

8   Have “smart” meters been proven to be safe?

     A:  No.  No comprehensive studies exist.  Many countries have much lower RF safety limits than the U.S. to protect their people from radiofrequency over-exposure. [8]

9   Is my Data Shared with 3rd Parties?

     A:  YES!  In 2012, San Diego Electric shared consumption data with 10 government agencies such as FBI, DEA & ICE; none with legal warrants, 74% without subpoenas. [9]  No basic, comprehensive data law, based on notice and consent, exists in this country to make utilities voluntarily protect household data. [9a]

10 Can "smart" meters be hacked?

     A:  YES!  Not only for your usage data, they can be "hijacked" to turn off your power; to control any "smart" appliances you might have; or, use all of these in tandem with other parts of the "smart" grid to cause power outages, for example.

11 Who actually benefits from “smart” meters?
A:  The only benefits ratepayers see are electric usage graphs on the internet. The Worcester pilot costs nearly $3,000 per meter. 
[10]  If deployed statewide the cost would be over $7 Billion.  Many industries benefit from “smart” meter deployment at ratepayers’ expense.


12 Are YOU aware that 15,000 “smart” meters have been installed on businesses and homes in Worcester, many without the knowledge or consent of their owners?

13 Is YOURS a “smart” meter?

     A:  It is if your meter has a digital LCD display!

As NStar said:  "There is no
rational basis for the implementation
of AMI ('smart' meters)" [5]



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