Monday, June 18, 2018

Cannabis Cultivation Discussion June 19, 2018

Hi Everyone!

Let's talk cultivation! What do you say? This Tuesday at 6PM in Templeton, Massachusetts, I will be sitting on a panel focused on cannabis cultivation. I will be joined by fellow Farm Bug Co-op Cultivating Member, Bill St. Croix. Bill and I have been advocating for the need to have more discussions about cultivation. So, I was very excited when the Town of Templeton proposed this event. We need to be doing more of this! Kudos to Templeton, Mass for their forward-thinking approach to the local cannabis industry.

If you'd like to learn more about the cultivation process or how cultivators are fairing in this emerging industry, come out to Templeton, Massachusetts on Tuesday night. There will be plenty of time for questions. I would also be happy to give you an update on Farm Bug and where we stand in the licensing process after the panel. Long story short, the Co-op is strong!     


Date: Tuesday, June 19th
Time: 6:00PM
Place: Town of Templeton
Town Hall -- Conference Room
160 Patriots Road
East Templeton, MA 01438

I've been to a lot of cannabis industry events in Massachusetts and cultivation is often, ironically, left out of the discussion. Or, if it is included, it's not the focus. Farm Bug Co-op is going to change that. Join us on Tuesday night at the beginning of our journey forward.

Your Humble Advocate,

Eric R. Schwartz
Farm Bug Co-op

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