Thursday, August 30, 2018

FBI Raid Thomas Paine’s House, Point Guns At His Young Children; How an Award-Winning Reporter Became Thomas Paine

FBI Raid Thomas Paine’s House, Point Guns At His Young Children; How an Award-Winning Reporter Became Thomas Paine

1 comment:

  1. According to some the FBI is part of a corporate structure that is controlled by the ruling elite. The British East India Corporation/Dutch East India Corporation are two similar type organizations. Corporations are established these days to make a profit for their share holders using Civil law as its basic legal structure. Civil law is different than what was used to establish the United States of America unincorporated back on September 9 1776. The original unincorporated united States of America was based on Common Law I believe. The Revolutionary War was about Common Law vs Civil Law. Common law involves Stare Decises or past practice along with scripture and other important points. The Anglo-Saxons or Germanic Tribes brought this system to England and along with Jewish teaching from the South made a powerful dialectic vs Civil Law or Justinian Code from Rome. The Ruling Elites meed everyone to follow the rules and those rules will be made by the Ruling Elites. Common law like common sense uses past practice and scripture to allow We The People to sit on a Jury and decide what the truth is for a given problem, the Jury is the Judge. The original Thomas Paine was right in the thick of these issues.
