Sunday, August 19, 2018

Jeff Bennett5:58 PM Again it's [quote] "off to never never land"- by my good graces -


  1. As so eliquently put by one of the participants last night Laaurel View meeting was a fine example of P.Y.O.A.

    I wonder what Carter asked the lawyer because when the lawyer was hired his speech was "how can we get this done" because I didn't see a "how can we fix this" type mentality. I saw a "we are not responsible" response.
  2. Don’t like laws BOB M ? Change them - petition to change/add ... that’s your right isn’t it ? ... How come when Jeff Bennett n Mrs Farrell were on the BOS for years they didn’t “ discover “ and “ fix this “ ? Hmmmmmm as you say ...
    Maybe instead of putting 4 or so citizens petitions together to remove FLUORIDE.... you all could do something constructive. #BOBMhateslaws * when they don’t do what he wants
  3. Jeff Bennett never put flouride petition before town meeting. We are not talking four years ago, we are talking now, as in today with current selectmen.
  4. How come you didn’t address this ? .. You who seem to now be all distressed for the citizens ...
    Never implied directly Mr Bennett you put the FLUoride in the citizens petition... however your comrade did and you are a personal friend and she does comment and visit here.
  5. Justsmartnuff, as a selectmen, you should realize the people are looking for a solution in the present. I don't think the residents care who was a selectmen 4 years ago, rather they want the current selectmen to help them, so go help them.

    1. Really ? You seem to bring up a lot of what happened in the last as completely relevant to the towns current issues

  6. Great presentation on the issue- well researched by the citizens and town. There is legal recourse if the citizens decide and the town has offered alternatives. There are a lot of private roads in Templeton Ma as in every town. Seems to this citizen that the people should be more disturbed with past BOS / Town officials and of course the Developer . But as always Jeff B , BOOB M all have to stir the pot to keep themselves “ relevant “ .

    1. The only option they were given by the town was to pay 50-90% more and pay it down as a betterment.

      They say the developer never signed the land under the road over. The individual homeowners deeds show them owning to the street.
      Has the town collected taxes on the land the street covers for the past umteen years? The lawyer referenced not taking land based on tax takings i.e. hazardous waste.

      Maybe Justsmartenuff should have showed up to the meeting and iniformed the citizens how fortunate they are.........
    2. Maybe you should have to argue this non argument .
    3. As always —- watch the video - questions were asked —- time given — thoughtful debate —- alternative(s ) ** legal recourse is available to them as well as CITIZENS Petition to accept the private way as town property ... Tax questions and all others BOOBM as you know were asked and answered.

  7. Maybe you could say the same for Diane Haley Brooks, John Caplis, Doug Morrison and Julie Richards who have all been Selectman for YEARS!

    Let see what these guys do when given the chance. Will they Help citizens or play their favorite game ..................Pass the Buck!
  8. Really ... that’s great BOOB M you want to accept this road ?? Please tell me here .

    1. I personally feel the town would be liable if the citizens sued. The town stepped in it by its actions from 2005 forward. Listen to the Lawyer........What did he state about Public/Private land. Then ask how the town repaired the road without repairing "citizens property" if you go by the "center of the street".............problems any way we turn.....

  9. By the way, we did do what was asked, do some repairs so the road could be plowed by the town so the town ambulance could travel safely on Laurel View. We as a board did not tell taxpayers to basically screw off cause we are not plowing that road any more. We actually tried to help them out

    1. Well now ... there road is so bad sir, that the plows can’t go .... that’s why we are where we are - Maybe you should have done better repairs “ we did some repairs “ .

  10. Jeff and Julie and Bev and who ever else ... tell the people in black and white if you think the town should accept liability for this road —- perhaps .. more than likely a COMPLETE road rebuild .
    Then will you accept all the others since you now accepted this ? ........

    1. Why are these projects not handled more professionally from the start? Were is the bond from the developer?
      I bet they have every single sign off. So are the towns inspections of any value? Why do we have inspectors?
    2. Why dont you ask the Advisory Board? The Selectboard? Why the hell does it matter what Julie and Bev think?

      How about Diane, John, Julie , Doug and Cam? Thats who this landed on. They have to deal with it. So maybe show up.
    3. Seems to this citizen that when the “ town “ proposes a project ... ( let’s say stone bridge repair ) —- requires engineers—- novel idea —- you al poo poo it ..”. or TOO much money ! Who needs that “ it’s broke we know that fix it , we don’t need those professionals to tell us “ I paraphrase of course ...
      I don’t have a voice recording of such a conversation per se .

    4. You never heard me say that!

      I will say this town has a HORRIBLE record of project management.

  11. How do you know I’m not there at some of these meetings?
    I’m asking because they comment here and have many suggestions and “ thoughts “ about our little Town.
    I find it sad that you have to defend them. They seem like strong women capaple of responses.

    1. I didn't see you there, thats why.............
    2. Look again perhaps

  12. So BOB M should the town accept this road ?
  13. hidden well, quiet too..............MIA more accurate.
  14. So you want the road ?
  15. Bob M and Jeff B do you both want this road taken by the town ?
  16. Silence becomes cowardice when occasion demands speaking out the whole truth and acting accordingly.
    Mahatma Gandhi

    1. She sure seems to know a lot about hiding and silence and cowardice........

      I bet whichever side you're on nobody will ever know as you dont show up.
    2. You sure BOOBM ?

  17. Cowardice becomes justsmartnuff, no conviction so hide behind a fake curtain
  18. BTW, a legal opinion is just, it is an opinion, not law. That is a basic statement made by a member of Gardner city council who also happens to be an attorney
  19. From were I sit I still have many questions I'd need answered before I could say any definitive answer on whether or not the town should accept the road as is.

    I do think the approach and how it was presented last night was confrontational by design. The process as controlled by Carter was to avoid responsibility by the town, not assist the citizens.

    Why is it that only after last night is the town putting together a list of required fixes to get the road available for plowing. Wouldn't that have been part of a process prior to the "red letter" being sent out?

    If I was living on that road I would try and direct them to get legal advice. Bring everything they have, spend a few dollars as a group and know, once and for all if you have a leg to stand on before submitting to the Towns conditions.

    In 2005 the town "looked like a duck, acted like a duck, probably was a duck" as it appears that they sure acted like it was a town road after that point.

    1. They have that option. no one said BOOBM they didn’t.
      They like anyone else needs to prove their case to the court - actual court not the court of public opinion.
    2. Actually you are wrong in part. If the Laurel View folks went to town meeting and in the court of public opinion won over the citizens then it would be resolved, period.
      A court of law is always an option and when the town claims no fault, liability or intent to repair it will cost taxpayers either way.
    3. Right BOOBM - citizens petition the BOS to put in on the warrant - put it in with a citizens and vote - or court . So again there are options and there are resolutions possible but of course not
      all parties will be made whole perhaps .

      So again ... what answers to these questions and what are the questions BOB M before you will say if you would as a citizen take on this private debt ( as it currently stands ) ?
      Why should I pay for this as a taxpayer ? What benefit do I get ? ya see the problems here BOB M .. unlike a EMS I get no benefit here from taking on private debt and potential legal liabilities. Buyer Beware and BOOTSTRAPS
    4. What would I like to see.

      First off I'd like see the paper trail that follows the process as described and uncontested at the meeting. The Developer in 2005-06 comes to town hall with deed in hand for the road. It was stated and I heard no disagreement that He came in to sign over the land (road) to the town. If The Developer owned it then, How does logic get me to the homeowners own it now?
      Developer bring proposal to town
      Town collects fees
      Town Inspects/Engineers sign off/etc
      Developer brings deed to town
      Town doesn't accept offering
      Town changes Drive-Road/maintains and repairs road
      Developer dissolves company ( lawyers assumption)
      Dangerous conditions develope
      Town denies ownership/liability
      Homeowners stuck paying

      Many things went wrong here apparently and why are the homeowners the only ones liable?

      What about the realtors, especially local realtors who sold any of those properties without disclosing as many individuals stated.
    5. That’s what court is for BOOBM. Why are you wanting to take my tax dollars to do this?
    6. Love how you keep name calling, constantly showing the true child you are. Maybe take your meds and call it a day.

  20. Legal Opinion:
    In law, a legal opinion is in certain jurisdictions a written explanation by a judge or group of judges that accompanies an order or ruling in a case, laying out the rationale and legal principles for the ruling. WIKI

    Mr Bennett the difference between someone that is qualified to give advice ( in this case council for our town ) of their experience or background versus the person that has limited or no experience ( that’s you ) and is unqualified to give advice, hence it's just your opinion Mr Bennett - with anecdotal hearsay of “ basic statement made by .. “ someone somewhere ....
  21. Still no answers from Mr Bennett or BOOBM if they want to accept this road. sad !
    * also ones anonymity... does not Mr Bennett negate ones ideas ... you of all people should know that one.
  22. Submit an unsigned letter, document or idea to a newspaper or the selectmen and see what happens with it. Since you do not opine with a name, I choose not to answer to you.
  23. You just did - and when you can’t win — Jeff Bennett you seem to just walk away . Sad

    1. No what is sad is you ! Playing games, hiding behind a fake name. Easy to criticise, but not enough backbone to stand up for what you really believe in. There is no winning for anyone. How can anyone win when we live in a town that has been so poorly run for so long, we have town accepted roads you can barely drive down, nevermind the roads that are not accepted. Blame, sure is enough to go around ! In
      fy. sixteen, our TA said the budget was not sustainable for the next year . So what changed ! Did we live within our means ? Absolutely not ! Did any of our elected officials take action to make the changes needed to eliminate costs that were not necessary ? No ! We were told not to build that school, without a bond rating ! A
      bond rating we still do not have ! So, now a problem that should have been dealt with, long ago has reared it's ugly head. Sure, everyone should have a town accepted road . The question is, where is the money coming from ? After the "schools" go for their million $ override next year, it may be when chickens have teeth !
    2. Mr Bennett - created this blog in part - I believe - Bev Bart because others in another blog where harassed for that very reason. Now why are others allowed and not critiqued like myself .. Perhaps TABMAN is an actual legal name ? Idk but if you have a descending voice how quickly the wagons are circled.
    3. Mr or Mrs Blownot88 —- address:

  24. First question: how does Templeton light department of the town handle electric service on laurel view road?

    1. Like any utility Mr Bennett. Better answer is why as a public official who like to quote law don’t you already know.

  25. Get this straight, I started this blog after Dave Smart stated there would be one less blog administrator if they did not toe the line (paraphrasing) One of my posts was the fact I do not give to threats or intimidation so I started my own blog where some people choose to comment - by my good graces - which I can end at anytime, and I have a few times.
  26. I thought you were not going to respond to me. I’m glad you are the bigger man and have.
  27. Well justsmartnuff, your time is up
  28. off to never never land


  1. Well justsmartnuff, your time is up on jiffy's lil bloggy
    YOUR "all" Welcome here.
    Have at em.
    Jeff has shown this pattern over and over again and again.

  2. Justsmartenuff9:25 AM

    Really ... that’s great BOOB M you want to accept this road ?? Please tell me here .

    Please Robert May tells us.
    Please Jeff Bennett tell us.
    Comments allowed "here" for you all.

  3. Crickets from Mr Bennett and BOOBM,
    Mr Bennett says “ ..,just accept LV road d and move on .“ “ ...not be too hard or expensive to fix the few small issues listed as reasons ...”
    SO MR BENNETT would vote my tax dollars to accept a road that is PRIVATE to “ more than likely need a complete rebuild” ... Is that expensive !? I have 100.00 is that enough ? ...
    Mr Bennett , BOBM etc ... they cry poverty over ALS , a tractor , < 50 gallons of hydro fuel on King Phillip HWY ... you name it ... town cryer ... BUT accept a road —- that’s PRIVATE ... accept the cost “ not much “ says .... MR BENNETT ...
    Financial nightmare and legal precedent for accepting other roads in town .
    The citizens have recourse - working with the town - on there own or thru a costly legal battle ...
