Monday, October 22, 2018

Fall Town Meeting approves NRSD debt

Fall Town Meeting approves NRSD debt


  1. This was the first Town Meeting that the articles on the Town Meeting Warrant were not read. A citizen requested that they be read, but he was refused.There were ten pages of voter information, I never got to see before sitting down, and I know I did not get a chance to read the information because the meeting schedule did not allow it. Something is very wrong with this whole thing. Maybe the idea is to drive people away from attending their Town Meetings. If it is, well it is working. I asked a couple of pointed questions. If in the end people on the stage did not tell the truth, then they lied to not only me, but everyone in the room.It will come out in the wash.

  2. The number of errors Chairman Caplis is eager to take credit for grows. I am confused, does this mean we should feel secure because it was him and him alone that didn't do things right ? Does he think that by his confessing that he made the mistake, makes it ok ? In my way of thinking, if he cannot get things right, maybe he should be recalled. Was he the reason we received the Town Meeting Warrant filled with crossed out material ? By the way, this was the second warrant in this condition. When people in Town offices only had a typewriter to use, the Town Meeting Warrant was easy to read. Seeing the computers people have access to today, and the money we pay them, it seems a better job should be expected.
