Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Oh Do Come On ....

Oh Do Come On....
2018-10-29 07:00 by Karl Denninger

First, the nutbag that went into a synagogue and shot it up - I'm glad you got caught. That means instead of dying fast in a hail of bullets you get to think about it, sweat a good long time, and then die. Works for me; unfortunately we keep forgetting that the Constitution only bars cruel and unusual punishment -- which means cruel is just fine as long as it's not "unusual." May I recommend drawing and quartering?

Anyway, that's not the subject of this -- the mail "bomber" is.
Let's do the probability stack shall we?

Let's start with the probability of mailing a dozen+ envelopes containing devices and not being questioned in any way, and them getting to their destinations "as we've been sold."

1. You mail them.

2. You don't take them to the counter, because if you did you'd be busted instantly. So you drop them in a box.

3. None have sufficient postage and it's grossly insufficient. This is ignored.

4. The stamps aren't canceled, despite being protocol to do so.

5. The packages do not have a barcode routing label added to them (which is also protocol for a stamped package) -- not one of them.

6. They then pass through multiple mail handling facilities and nobody flags them for any of the above, nor do any of the automated machines (including the postage insufficiency .vs. weight)

7. Finally, a courier is said to have delivered the one to CNN -- not the mailman. How'd he get it?
So you want to know what happened? Here's the most likely probability stack-up.

Nutbag mails the packages. They are caught immediately at the origin PO and, since none have adequate postage, they're not sent onward -- nor is the postage canceled. At this point someone gets very suspicious (gee, you think?) and one of them is opened. The authorities are contacted.

Now you'd think the immediate next act is to trace the sender via whatever means you can and arrest him. Nope, because that wouldn't fit the FBI's narrative and their desire to destroy the Administration -- Trump is bad, Trump is evil, Trump is a Nazi, Trump is inspiring people to violence, etc.

So they hand-deliver the packages instead, having inspected them and knowing they are harmless.

This explains the courier at CNN, it explains none of them have canceled stamps, and it explains how they traveled through the system without having tracking barcodes added to the non-machine addresses and postage. They didn't travel through the system -- the FBI transported them instead, by hand and on purpose knowing full well what they were.
They thus got their optics.

It also explains who nobody went bananas at CNN and instead took a picture of the damn thing. The courier knew it wasn't a bomb and so did all the LEOs involved. Since they knew it wasn't dangerous they were not in any way concerned about standing next to it taking pictures for the media. Nobody in their right effing mind stands next to what they believe is an active and armed explosive device.

There is evidence that the alleged perpetrator also is not being honestly presented to us. He allegedly changed voter registration and registered as a Republican in 2016. As a resident of Florida with a felony record he couldn't register and vote at all. But he (allegedly) did. Did he? If so exactly how did that happen and why wasn't he busted in the intervening two years?

Then there's his history. Nothing you do on the Internet ever really goes away, despite the authority's efforts. There is evidence that I am evaluating that this nutbag claimed prominent Republicans were jackwads in the past and that various far-left feminist groups were "the only true women." Does that sound like a Trump supporter -- or, if he really did say those things too is he just plain psychotic? Being psychotic matches well with making bomb threats, which he was arrested for 15 years ago, so that seems to be a reasonable assumption -- no? Isn't it interesting that the media is only interested in one side?

Might that be because that's the media's inclination and the government's via their own actions -- they are simply interested in partisanship to the extent of attempting to provoke an actual Civil War if they cannot get what they want at the ballot box?
The sender will be (and should be) prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

But there is zero probability that those packages all traveled through the USPS without any of the protocols for such a package being followed for all of them. For one? Yes, I believe it. For all of them? No. Especially not the postage amount which was short by more than half.

I'll lay odds the "courier" at the CNN building was either an FBI agent or someone they hired -- and if so the entire FBI must be disbanded right here and now with everyone involved being indicted -- if the only logical conclusion is in fact true this series of acts amount to intentional, institutional misconduct and attempted election tampering which is a serious criminal offense.

Oh by the way, how come the nutbag that shot up the synagogue in PA isn't tagged as being motivated by the far left eh? After all he did make public statements that was very-much opposed to Trump. The truth here is transparent folks -- if you're not a left-wing nutjob apologist trying to start a Civil War through both Goebbels-style "reporting" or worse, direct action and intervention by government agencies taken for the purpose of optics.

1 comment:

  1. In my opinion our schooling teaches us not to question authority, this is not working out well for our society. We need to take a close look at what the media is telling us and looking closer while gathering facts. It sure looks like what we have been told about 9/11, Sandy Hook and the Boston Marathon bombing to name a few just does not add up when you take a closer look.
