Saturday, November 3, 2018

What You Don't Know CAN Hurt You

What You Don't Know CAN Hurt You

Published on Oct 28, 2018
Sometimes what you don't know CAN HURT YOU. Ignorance around this subject matter is almost guaranteed to do so. I'm still shocked that with all the research I do, I had NO IDEA this was going on and I'm thankful I've since learned how to stop it. Pleased to be sharing this life preserving information here...

Where you can get RF Meters to check your own microwave/RF/EMF levels at home:

Where you can get shielded clothing to protect from RF:

- Where to get Shielding Bedding to block RF: (also paint, curtains, fabrics, phone cases) -

Gear to Protect Mama and Baby from RF Belly Band (Baby Protection) Page -

Belly Blanket Collection -

Maternity Apparel Collection -

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